1 BТА ORIX Leasing JSC International Leasing Company Presentation 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "1 BТА ORIX Leasing JSC International Leasing Company Presentation 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 BТА ORIX Leasing JSC International Leasing Company Presentation 2006

2 2 Kazakhstan lease market review Country comparative analysis Competitors Characteristics of leasing in Kazakhstan About the company Funding sources Образец заголовкаContent

3 3 Kazakhstan lease market review 2004(fact)200520062007 GDP (USD, million) 42300,046107,050026,154178,3 Share of investments into GDP (%) (forecast of the ERI) 27,2%28,7%30,4%32,4 % Investment into fixed capital (USD, million) 11508,313232,715207,917553,8 Share of leasing in investments into fixed capital (%) 1,5%2,3%3,0%3,5 % Volume of leasing (USD, million) 172,4304,35456,24614,38 GDP growth (forecast of the World Bank) __9%8,5%8,3 %

4 4 Country comparative analysis The comparative table of the basic indexes on the countries * CountryGrowth in GDP (%) by last year A share of leasing in fixed capital investment (%) 2003200420032004 USA3%4%22,5%23% GERMANY0,9%1%16,4%16,9% RUSSIA7,3%7,2%4,5%6% UKRAINE9,4%12,1%1,5%1,8% KAZAKHSATAN9,2%9,4%1,01%1,5% *information taken from reliable source

5 5 Today leasing market has 23 players 7 leasing companies are the most active Main players of the leasing market –BТА ORIX Leasing –CenterLeasing –Kazkommetsbank –Halyk Leasing –Alliance Leasing –ValutTransit Bank –KazAgroFinance (100% governmental company specialized in agricultural sector ) Competitors

6 6 Particular preferences according to Law on Investment Leasing activity is not licensed Rentals are not subject to VAT Lease income is not subject to Income Tax (CIT) Characteristics of leasing in Kazakhstan

7 7 About the company BТА ORIX Leasing BТА ORIX Leasing is the first international leasing company and a pioneer of leasing in Kazakhstan. BTAO is a member of ORIX Group Company (Japan) The most active player on the market among commercial Kazakhstan leasing companies Extensive network all over Kazakhstan (10 representative offices) Shareholders of the company: Bank TuranAlem,ORIX Corporation (Japan), International Finance Corporation, ORIX Leasing Pakistan

8 8 Shareholders structure Bank TuranAlem45% ORIX Corporation(Japan)35% ORIX Leasing Pakistan Ltd10% International Finance Corporation 10% (a member of the World Bank)

9 9 Local sources - Kazakhstani bank of 2 nd tier - Corporate bonds - Accumulated earnings External sources - Export Credit Agencies - Credit lines from multilateral institutions - Credit lines from foreign banks - Supplier’s loans Funding sources

10 10 Revolving credit line from Bank TuranAlem Date: 2001 Amount: equivalent of US$ 40 million Currency: KZT (Tenge) Date of renewal: January 1, 2014 Date of utilization: up to January, 2009 Local sources

11 11 On December 30, 2005 BTA ORIX Leasing bonds of “A” category were issued on local capital market Type of bonds: unsecured coupon bonds Total number of bonds: 20,000,000 (20 million) Total amount of bonds: KZT 2,000,000,000 (2 billion) Nominal value: KZT 100 Tenor: 3 years from the date of issue Interest rate: 9 % of nominal bond value Bonds issue

12 12 Credit line from EBRD (European Bank for Reconstruction and Development) Date: 2001 Amount: US$ 5 million Currency: US dollars Tenor: 5 years Guarantee: Bank TuranAlem JSC Credit line from IFC (International Finance Corporation) Date: 2005 Amount: US$ 5 million Currency: US dollars Tenor: 7 years Credit lines from multilateral agencies

13 13 Prospective credit lines Credit line from DEG (Deutsche Investitions and Entwicklungsgesellschaft ) Date: second half of 2006 Amount: up to US$ 15 million Currency: US dollar Tenor: up to 7 years Credit line from FMO (Finance for Development) Date: end of 2006 Amount: up to US$ 10 million Currency: US dollar Tenor: up to 7 years

14 14 At the present moment BTA ORIX Leasing utilizes funding sources of different Export Credit Agencies and may use funding sources of Bank TuranAlem: Osterreichische Kontrollbank Aktiengesellschaft (OeKB) (Austria) Office national du Ductoire (OND) (Belgium) Eksportkreditfonden (EKF) (Denmark) Nederlandsche Creditverzekering Maatschappij (NCM) ( the Netherlands) Compaňia Espaňola de Seguros de Crédito a la Exportación (Cesce) (Spain) EKN Exportkreditnämnden (EKN) (Sweden) Export Credits Guarantee Department (ECGD) (United Kingdom of Great Britain and North Ireland) Continue… Export Credit Agencies

15 15 …Continue Export – credit Bank of USA (US EXIM) (USA) Finnvera (Finland) Compagnie Française d’Assurance pour le Commerce Exterieur (Coface) (France) Hermes Kreditversicherungs (HERMES) (Germany) Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW) (Germany) Export Risk Guarantee Agency (ERG) (Switzerland) Export –Import Bank of Japan (JEXIM) (Japan) Ministry of International Trade & Industry (EID/MITI) (Japan)

16 16 BTA ORIX Leasing plans to obtain direct credit line from Export Development Canada for financing leasing projects of Canadian producers Date: 2006 Currency: US dollar Tenor: up to 5 years Direct credit line from ECA


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