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 Data Models in Commercial GIS Systems E. Hoel, page 215-219 CSCI 5715 – Fall 2014 10/14/2014 Sameera Shah Shyam Sundar Somasundaram.

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Presentation on theme: " Data Models in Commercial GIS Systems E. Hoel, page 215-219 CSCI 5715 – Fall 2014 10/14/2014 Sameera Shah Shyam Sundar Somasundaram."— Presentation transcript:

1  Data Models in Commercial GIS Systems E. Hoel, page 215-219 CSCI 5715 – Fall 2014 10/14/2014 Sameera Shah Shyam Sundar Somasundaram

2 Relevance  Week 2 - Spatial Concepts and Data Models ( Ch. 2) 2

3 Categorization Commercial GIS Data ModelsRasterVectorSpaghettiTopologyNetworkDirectedUndirectedDEM Raster DEM TIN (Vector) 3

4 Raster Model  Stores data in matrix form  Useful for data varying continuously e.g. aerial photograph  Single images  Raster Catalog  Collection of rasters Source: 4

5 Vector Model (1/4)  Co-ordinate based data model  Useful for storing data that has discrete boundaries  Classified into further subtypes  Spaghetti  Network  Topological 5

6 Spaghetti Model (2/4)  Simple Data Model or Spaghetti Plot  Geometric representations have no explicit relationship  E.g. Hurricane model Source: 6

7 Network Model (3/4)  One dimensional collection of point (junction) and line(edges) features  Directed e.g. water flow modeling  Hydrologic networks  Utility networks  Undirected e.g. transportation network Source: 7

8 Topology Models (4/4)  Control geometric relationships  Collection of nodes, arcs, faces and their inter relationships  E.g. United States Census geographic data Source: Point features (traffic signs), shown as dark circles: S1, S2, S3, and S4 Linear features (roads or streets), shown as dashed lines: R1, R2, R3, and R4 Area features (land parcels), shown as rectangles: P1, P2, P3, P4, and P5 8

9 Digital Elevation Model (DEM)  Represent the surface topography of the earth  Built from remote sensing data or survey methods  E.g. perform line-of-sight for cell phone  Classified based on type of source data as:  Raster DEM  TIN DEM 9 Source:

10 TIN DEM  A.k.a Vector based surface model  Contiguous non – overlapping triangles  Nodes, edges, triangles  Facilitates surface modeling 10 Source

11 Future Directions  Available data for specific times /dates  Augment existing data models to support temporal data 11

12 References  Data Models in Commercial GIS Systems, E. Hoel, page 215-219  Spatial Databases: A Tour, S. Shekhar and S. Chawla, Prentice Hall, 2003 12

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