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Implications of the Flattening World. Business Awareness Financial Intelligence Entrepreneurship Skills.

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Presentation on theme: "Implications of the Flattening World. Business Awareness Financial Intelligence Entrepreneurship Skills."— Presentation transcript:

1 Implications of the Flattening World


3 Business Awareness Financial Intelligence Entrepreneurship Skills

4 Financial Intelligence “It's missing from our curriculum, no teacher, no lecturer, no classroom offers it as a course, but its what we spend the most part of our lives pursuing..."how to be financially free!“ I am committed to making as many as possible Financially literate and intelligent in this call to Business/Financial/Entrepreneurs hip enlightenment, using all social media platform and public media

5 TO DO or TO BE ?

6 You must know what you want to BE first, before you can outline what to do to make you what you want to BE. Therefore, TO BE list is more important than TO DO LIST Emmanuel Idenyi Shaibu Esq.

7 To Do List Financial Audit Current Snapshot Goal of 5yrs Invest in Financial Intelligence. Increase your income streams. Reduce your expenses. Open an Escrow account. Start seeking for opportunities to build your asset column.

8 “Our plans miscarry because they have no aim. When a man does not know what harbor he is making for, no wind is the right wind” - Seneca

9 Quick Question What would you do with your time and life, if you earned enough passively to take care of all your expenses?

10 Imagine what money is holding us all back from??

11 Basic F.I Audit 1.What is your current financial net worth? 2.How many income streams do you currently have? How many sources of income do you have? What is your total monthly income? 3.What is your monthly Cashflow? 4.How many of your income streams are active and how many are passive? Do you enjoy any passive income currently? 5.How many years from now do you desire to be financially free? Don’t be in a hurry to fix a small number, think deeply about this and set a target that is reasonable but stretches you a bit.

12 Paradigms that must shift! Your goal is not financial security! Many things you think are assets are not! How much you earn is not important! Money, Hardwork, Savings are not it! Economics is not all true! Savers are not better than debtors! Your greatest problems are not enemies! You cannot achieve without a map!

13 One in Hundred On a Survey list of 100 people at 25 on a career path till 65. At 65 - 54% are dependent 16% are still working 24% are dead 5% are Independent 1% is Free

14 The Poor

15 The Middle Class

16 The Rich

17 Current Snapshot

18 5yrs from Now

19 Financial Freedom When Passive Income exceeds living expenses –Passive Income can be made from 5 business or investment vehicles. I recommend you play in all. –Expenses can be be reduced or clearly budgeted, you can still choose your desired lifestyle.

20 #1. Real Estate Passive Income = Rent Three income streams –Yield –Capital Appreciation –Debt Three wealth engines –Leverage, Compound Interest, Residual Income Strategy element : Intelligence and Leverage

21 #2. Paper Investments Passive Income = dividends, ROI, interest Categories –Shares/Stocks –Bonds –Treasury Bills –Fixed/Term Deposits Functional wealth Engines –Compound Interest, Residual Income

22 #3. Automated Business Passive Income = Directors Bonus Categories –Trading –Services –Manufacturing –Support Services Wealth Generation Engines –Leverage, Passive Income

23 #4. Intellectual Property Passive Income = Royalty Categories –Music –Writing/Speaking –Movies –Innovation Wealth Creation Engines –Leverage, Residual Income

24 #5. Network Marketing Passive Income = Bonuses Categories –Unilevel –Binary –Hybrids Rated #1 industry in millionaire creation Wealth Creation Engines –Leverage, Compound Interest, Passive Income

25 “A goal without a plan is just a wish” – Larry Elder

26 Three (3) ‘S’ of Financial Intelligence Sow Save Spend

27 Seminar Presentation by; Emmanuel Idenyi Shaibu Esq The Millennium Entrepreneur The CEO of Emmab Global Concept, Jos 08036151760 Twitter handle @EIdenyi and @EmmabGlobalC FB Idenyi Emmanuel Shaibu Like www.facebook.comm/emmabglobalconcept Visit our website on

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