Nurse leadership for improvement Kate Harmond Masterclass 2 Melbourne 1 April.

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Presentation on theme: "Nurse leadership for improvement Kate Harmond Masterclass 2 Melbourne 1 April."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nurse leadership for improvement Kate Harmond Masterclass 2 Melbourne 1 April

2 Partnerships for improvement Clinicians and managers common agenda Investing in joint development Openness and honesty Reducing the hassle factors Socialising!

3 “Better care without delay” Focus on the patient experience Analyse what currently happens Identify areas for improvement Small change cycles Spread learning Sustain improvements

4 Benefits Access to accelerated training Process mapping and redesign Statistical control charts National expertise Leadership development Reduced delays

5 Supporting activities Celebration days Clinical leadership Summer school National and international conferences Learn in lunch hours Art in hospitals

6 Emerging needs Applying whole systems thinking Strengthening the capacity of general managers Communication and co-ordination Engaging the wider health and social care community, including voluntary sector and housing Spread and sustainability

7 Attractors for clinicians Patient benefit Peer pressure Publications Presentations Praise Political awareness

8 What do clinicians want from managers? Accessibility? Fewer e-mails? Less hassle? More evidence? Thanks? 10 MINUTES TABLE TOP DISCUSSION

9 Side effects Clinical ownership Morale Conversion rates Can do mentality Eagles and donkeys Empowerment

10 Clinical leaders Set patient goals eg mobility Clinical governance Research and development Standards for practice Education and training Role model

11 Managerial leaders Set organisational goals eg activity Corporate governance Systems development and investment Quality standards Organisational development Role model

12 Nurse leaders Patient advocacy Agitate Emotional tone and intelligence Team development Manage complexity and ambiguity Role model

13 Look after yourself Be nice to yourself Write it up, not down! Treats and time out Stay well Celebrate Shoes and towels

14 Ancient practices and modern magic Kate Harmond Nurse leaders’ seminar, Melbourne, April 2004

15 The case for change “I believe that public servants are working flat out but in a system that shrieks out for fundamental change… If we don’t get the systems and structures right we will never get to the roots of the problem, only prune its visible branches… The key to reform is redesigning the system around the user.” Tony Blair, 2001

16 Policy context Public opinion Service failures Workforce pressures Access improvement Clinical governance Investment

17 Changing culture Decisions based on training or experience “Do no harm” is up to each individual The system reacts to needs Professional roles shape the system Decisions are based on evidence Safety relates to the system Needs are anticipated and met Co-operation is an explicit priority

18 Lessons from top companies Constant improvement Culture for innovation Team development Community involvement Client centred Open and blame-free environment

19 Know your strengths If there had been three wise nurses instead of three wise men, they would have asked for directions, arrived on time, helped deliver the baby, cleaned up the stable, and brought something practical, like a nice casserole. Barbara Bush (adapted)

20 Thank you!

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