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An Executive Summary of The ECE and CE MS and BS programs D. Lyon, Chair.

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Presentation on theme: "An Executive Summary of The ECE and CE MS and BS programs D. Lyon, Chair."— Presentation transcript:

1 An Executive Summary of The ECE and CE MS and BS programs D. Lyon, Chair

2 Growth in ECE MS and CE BS Grand growth in ECE MS PT holding pattern FT provide more revenue/student. MS program is mostly part time PT takes 2.5 courses/year

3 Growing the Faculty Once we obtain 30 students in the MSECE program we can apply to hire another full- time faculty member! BUT…Focus now has been on ABET prep, not growth! The Program is ONLY 1 year old!!

4 Growing the Program We need your help to grow! The employment environment is changing. A skill set can keep you employed! Outsourcing: –A New Occupational Hazard

5 What do we tell our students? U.S. Department Bureau of Labor Statistics at the end of February 2004 the US economy had 229,000 fewer jobs in computer systems design and related disciplines than in January 2001, a decline of 17.2 percent in three years. February 2004 Nationally, enrollments in computer science and computer engineering are down 23 percent this year computer science computer engineering

6 Tell them they will get essential skills Technical Quantitative analysis Design & architecture Communication Innovation Risk-taking Teamwork Leadership Ethics History and culture Language

7 Computer Engineering

8 MS Electrical and Computer Engineering Program D. Lyon, Co-Chair

9 The Curriculum areas of Specialization:  Signal Processing  Scientific Visualization  Network Programming  Embedded Systems  Enterprise Computing

10 Custom Cohorts Meeting the needs of industry Closing ties to industry –More meetings –Pushing product –Improving industrial interactions

11 The Norden offering Java Programming I Java Programming II Numerical Methods Readings in ECE Thesis I Thesis II Voice and Signal Processing Image Processing Microwave Structures Thermal management of Electronic assembly Nonlinear Control

12 Summary  Problem Solving  Research  Communications  State-of-the-art program  Cutting edge technologies

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