Fundamentals, Design, and Implementation, 9/e CPE 481 Database Processing Chapter 3 Instructor:Suthep Madarasmi, Ph.D. ดร. สุเทพ มาดารัศมี

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Presentation on theme: "Fundamentals, Design, and Implementation, 9/e CPE 481 Database Processing Chapter 3 Instructor:Suthep Madarasmi, Ph.D. ดร. สุเทพ มาดารัศมี"— Presentation transcript:

1 Fundamentals, Design, and Implementation, 9/e CPE 481 Database Processing Chapter 3 Instructor:Suthep Madarasmi, Ph.D. ดร. สุเทพ มาดารัศมี Telephone: 02-470-9080 Messages: 02-470-9085 Fax: 02-872-5050 David M. Kroenke

2 Database Processing by Suthep Madarasmi Lecture 3/2 A Data Modeling Process  Steps in the data modeling process –Plan project –Determine requirements –Specify entities –Specify relationships –Determine identifiers –Specify attributes –Specify domains –Validate model

3 Database Processing by Suthep Madarasmi Lecture 3/3 Planning the Project  Obtaining project authorization and budget  Building the project team  Planning the team’s activities  Establishing tools, techniques, and standards for consistent results  Defining the project’s scope

4 Database Processing by Suthep Madarasmi Lecture 3/4 Determining System Requirements  Sources for data modeling requirements –User interviews and user activity observations –Existing forms and reports –New forms and reports –Existing manual files –Existing computer files/databases –Formally defined interfaces (XML) –Domain expertise  The result of the requirements determination will be a repository of notes, diagram, forms reports, files, etc., that can be used to develop the data model

5 Database Processing by Suthep Madarasmi Lecture 3/5 Specifying Entities  An entity is something that the users want to track; something the users want to keep data about  Entities –can be physical things or logical concepts –are identifiable; you can tell one from another –are things described by nouns, not characteristics described by adjectives

6 Database Processing by Suthep Madarasmi Lecture 3/6 Specifying Relationships  Includes: –Identity of the parent and child entities –Relationship type –Minimum and maximum cardinalities –Name of the relationships  Two techniques: –Examine whether a relationship exists between every combination of two entities –Locate relationships from requirement documents  A combination of the two approaches may be used

7 Database Processing by Suthep Madarasmi Lecture 3/7 Determining Identifiers  Identifier is an attribute or group of attributes that uniquely identifies an entity instance  If there is difficulty specifying an identifier, maybe: –it should be part of a different entity –it is a subtype or category of a common entity –it needs one or more identifying relationships

8 Database Processing by Suthep Madarasmi Lecture 3/8 Specifying Attributes and Domains  Find attributes on forms, reports, existing files, etc., and add them to entities  Determine whether the attribute has already defined a domain –If so, the attribute is based upon that domain –If not, a new domain is defined  Review the domains and make adjustments as necessary  Domain property inheritance: when the domain properties change, all the attribute properties change as well  Domains may be used to enforce data standards promoting compatible data types and systems  Once all attributes have been specified the model should be reviewed for missing entities

9 Database Processing by Suthep Madarasmi Lecture 3/9 Validating Model  Data model is a model of humans’ models, not a model of reality  A data model is wrong if it does not accurately reflect the ways the users think about their world  Data models are validated through a series of reviews –Normally, a team review is followed by user reviews  E-R model as well as prototypes of forms and reports may be used to communicate to users features of the data model

10 Database Processing by Suthep Madarasmi Lecture 3/10 Creating Data Models From Forms and Reports  Example: Single entities

11 Database Processing by Suthep Madarasmi Lecture 3/11 Example: Identifying Connection Relationships

12 Database Processing by Suthep Madarasmi Lecture 3/12 Example: Repeating Groups

13 Database Processing by Suthep Madarasmi Lecture 3/13 Example: Repeating Groups

14 Database Processing by Suthep Madarasmi Lecture 3/14 Example: Nested Groups 2 ways to Design: 1.2 relations 2.3 relations Which is Better?

15 Database Processing by Suthep Madarasmi Lecture 3/15 Example: Non-Identifying Connection Relationships  Example: 1:1

16 Database Processing by Suthep Madarasmi Lecture 3/16 Example: Non-Identifying Connection Relationships

17 Database Processing by Suthep Madarasmi Lecture 3/17 Example: 1:N

18 Database Processing by Suthep Madarasmi Lecture 3/18 Example: 1:N

19 Database Processing by Suthep Madarasmi Lecture 3/19 Example: N:M  Insert Form Page 88. A book may have many authors. An author may have written many books.

20 Database Processing by Suthep Madarasmi Lecture 3/20 Example: Category Relationship

21 Database Processing by Suthep Madarasmi Lecture 3/21 Example: Category Relationship

22 Database Processing by Suthep Madarasmi Lecture 3/22 Sales-Order Model

23 Database Processing by Suthep Madarasmi Lecture 3/23 Example: Sales Order

24 Database Processing by Suthep Madarasmi Lecture 3/24 Example: Sales Order  Figure 3-16(c) shows an alternative design that allows an item to appear more than once on a given order

25 Database Processing by Suthep Madarasmi Lecture 3/25 Example: University System

26 Database Processing by Suthep Madarasmi Lecture 3/26 University System With Domain Names See Fig 3.26

27 Database Processing by Suthep Madarasmi Lecture 3/27 E-R Analysis Example 1: Job Application Form  Entity: Person, Applicant (subtype), Spouse (subtype), Mother (subtype), Father (subtype), Children (subtype), Education_History, Work_History, Language_Skills, Computer_Skills Person ApplicantSpouseFatherChild Work History Education History Computer Skills Language Skills Mother 1..10..* 1..1 Language Skill Code WordAccessExcel 0..* 0..1 Computer Skill Type 0..*

28 Database Processing by Suthep Madarasmi Lecture 3/28 E-R Analysis Example 2: Payroll Processing  Entity: Employee, Monthly_Wages (subtype), Hourly_Wages (subtype), Work_Times, Regular (subtype), OT1.5, OT2.0, OT3.0, Monthly_Pay Hourly Wage Monthly Wage Work Times 1..1 0..* OT3.0OT1.5OT2.0Regular Employee Employee Type Monthly Pay 0..* 1..1 0..1 1..1 0..1 Hour Type 0..*

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