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Matter: Anything that has mass and takes up space, or volume.

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Presentation on theme: "Matter: Anything that has mass and takes up space, or volume."— Presentation transcript:

1 Matter: Anything that has mass and takes up space, or volume.

2 Chemical Reactions H 2 + Cl 2  2 HCl

3 Use a chemical formula to determine which elements form a compound. Use the formula to find the elements present in the molecule and the number of atoms of each element. KEY WORDS Chemical formula Subscript

4 Type 1 - Elements combine with each other. Type 2 - Molecules react together. Type 3 - Compounds are broken down into atoms. All reactions result in a new substance with different properties than before. Chemical Reaction: A movement of electrons between combining atoms that results in the formation of a NEW substance.

5 1. 2. 3.

6 The Law of Conservation of Matter: In any chemical reaction matter cannot be created or destroyed. Atoms will rearrange to form new compounds, but the number and type of atoms will not change during the reaction.

7 1000 kg

8 subscript Chemical formula - shows the type and amount of each atom present in a compound. H O H H H O +

9 and 3 atoms of oxygen H2OH2O3 form 3 molecules of water. 6 atoms (3 x 2) of hydrogen H H O H H O H H O

10 CompoundNumber of particles Total of each element KHCO 3 1K – 1 H – 1 C – 1 O – 3 AlCl 3 3Al – 3 Cl – 9 CBr 4 6C – 6 Br – 24 H 2 SO 4 5H – 10 S – 5 O – 20 C 11 H 22 O 12 4C – 44 H – 88 O – 48 1 3 6 5 4

11 All atoms present before a chemical reaction must be present after. (Law of Conservation of Matter) Chemical formula represents the type and amount of elements that make up the compound AlCl 3 – show 1 atom of aluminum and 3 atoms of chlorine combine to form 1 compound.

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