Target group[BDY] 0-5 year old …. 620 6-14 years old …. 1600 15-49 years old[female] …984.

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4 Target group[BDY] 0-5 year old …. 620 6-14 years old …. 1600 15-49 years old[female] …984

5 EPI Service[BDY] AgeVaccine 0-5 yearsBCG HB DPT/HB OPV DPT MMR and JE 15-49 years [female]DT x 5 PregnantDT  MMR booster to children 6 years old once per year  Polio Campaign to < 15 years old twice per year

6 Sangklaburi Hospital Same day How often do you deliver EPI..? Once per month Ban Don Yang


8 Service 2 days per month[BDY]

9 Polio campaign - BDY

10 Recorder - BDY

11 EPI and Vitamin A coverage BDY -2011

12 Annual HIS report-2011

13 Children under 1 year who were fully vaccinated- Jan-Aug 2012 MonthsUmpiem CampNupo CampBDY Camp January100%98%100% February100%97%100% March98%94%100% April79%97%91% May85%81%100% June96%100% July97%98%100% August96%100%94% Average94%95.6%98%

14 Pregnant women who received 2 doses of T.T. Jan – August, 2012 MonthsUmpiem CampNupo CameBDY Came January100% February100% March98%100% April100% May100% June100% July100%97%100% August100%99%100% Average99.7%99.5%100%

15 Specific technical or programmatic challenges which are currently being faced. NU/UP The constant new arrivals who have not been vaccinated especially the children. The target number keeps on changing because of new arrivals and the departures or within Thailand forces demographics to be done on monthly basis. The JE vaccine supply is not constant; most of the time MMR vaccine is the one which is received. Defaulters have to be followed up in the community.

16 Specific technical or programmatic challenges which are currently being faced BDY Some new arrivals – Still need to do follow up Trust building Community understanding Participation of the parents/care taker Strength PHO/ DHO support Consistent supply for the vaccine Child hood immunization schedule of MoPH – Thailand

17 Future plan NU-UP and BDY  Strengthen community health education (section- wise)  Active participation of the key people – section leaders, CBO and health committee of the camp  Focus Group Discussion  Lesson learnt /experience sharing among ARC staff

18 Kop Kun Krap

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