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Methodological questions of migration and ethnocultural diversity in Population Censuses StatCapCA Training Workshop No 3 Dushanbe, March 2007 Werner Haug.

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Presentation on theme: "Methodological questions of migration and ethnocultural diversity in Population Censuses StatCapCA Training Workshop No 3 Dushanbe, March 2007 Werner Haug."— Presentation transcript:

1 Methodological questions of migration and ethnocultural diversity in Population Censuses StatCapCA Training Workshop No 3 Dushanbe, March 2007 Werner Haug (3)

2 Ethnocultural caracteristics: topics and questions in the Census Werner Haug

3 12-16 March 2007 StatCapCA Training Workshop No 3, Dushanbe 3 Context  Data on ethnocultural characteristics are of high relevance in the context of migration, integration, minority policies and diversity management  Different topics are concerned: –Ethnic affiliation –Language knowledge and practice –Religious belonging and beliefs

4 12-16 March 2007 StatCapCA Training Workshop No 3, Dushanbe 4 Principles  Ethno-cultural characteristics have a strong subjective dimension  The free and open declaration of the respondents is therefore essential  Minorities may be vulnerable to discrimination particularly on the grounds of ethnic affiliation and religion and might need special protection  Appropriate data security and disclosure control measures have to be put in place  Classifications have to be comprehensive and coding procedures transparent  Special monitoring procedures during the conduct of the Census might become necessary

5 12-16 March 2007 StatCapCA Training Workshop No 3, Dushanbe 5 Ethnicity  Information is collected to understand cultural diversity, the position and participation of groups in society and for anti-discrimination policies  Ethnicity is distinct from language and/or religion but overlaps are frequent. The combined collection of data on ethno- cultural characteristics is particularly informative and is recommended.  The use of the term nationality (which is linked to citizenship) in place of ethnicity should be avoided

6 12-16 March 2007 StatCapCA Training Workshop No 3, Dushanbe 6 Definition  Ethnicity is based on a shared understanding of the history and territorial origins of an ethnic group or community as well as on particular cultural characteristics (language, religion, customs and ways of life)

7 12-16 March 2007 StatCapCA Training Workshop No 3, Dushanbe 7 Practical aspects  Questionnaires should always include an open question (not precoded)  Respondents should be free to indicate more than one ethnic affiliation or a combination of both  Respondents should be allowed to indicate « none » or « not declared » when asked for their ethnicity  Countries should fix rules how the ethnicity of children from mixed couples is determined

8 12-16 March 2007 StatCapCA Training Workshop No 3, Dushanbe 8 Classifications  Classifications should be extensive, elaborated on the basis of scientific and socio-political concepts and be discussed with ethnic groupsthemselves  Classifications should include at the finest levels ethnic groups, self perceived groups, regional and local groups and groups that are usually not considered ethnic groups (e.g. nationalities in the sense of citizenship)  Classifcations at the highest level depend on national circumstances but the procedures for coding and aggregation should be documented and fully transparent

9 12-16 March 2007 StatCapCA Training Workshop No 3, Dushanbe 9 Language  Information is collected to understand linguistic diversity and for language and minority policies  Different data may be collected, reflecting different aspects of the distribution, knowledge and use of languages  Definitions are extremely important and have to be spelled out for the respondents

10 12-16 March 2007 StatCapCA Training Workshop No 3, Dushanbe 10 Different questions 1. Mother tongue: first language spoken in the early childhood at home 2. Main language: language which a person commands best 3. Language(s) most currently spoken at home and/or at work 4. Knowledge of language(s), defined as the ability to speak and/or write one or more designated languages

11 12-16 March 2007 StatCapCA Training Workshop No 3, Dushanbe 11 Which questions for which purposes?  Mother tongue and/or main language are asked to understand processes of language change and determine language groups and –regions. Answers refer generally to one language only  Data on spoken languages and knowledge are asked to understand language practices in everyday life and individual knowledge of languages. Questions have to allow for multiple answers.  It is recommended to ask at least one question from the first and one from the second group of questions

12 12-16 March 2007 StatCapCA Training Workshop No 3, Dushanbe 12 Practical aspects  Many language groups are small. At least for the questions in the first group an open answer box should be available (without precoding)  Classifications should be comprehensive and include on the finest level also regional dialects as well as invented and sign languages  Coding and aggregation procedures should be clearly defined and fully transparent

13 12-16 March 2007 StatCapCA Training Workshop No 3, Dushanbe 13 Religion  Information on religion is collected to understand religious diversity and to develop policies with respect to members of relious communities  Different data may be collected, reflecting different aspects of religious beliefs and practices  Data on religion are particularly sensitive and for privacy reasons questions may be voluntary in some countries

14 12-16 March 2007 StatCapCA Training Workshop No 3, Dushanbe 14 Definition  Religion is a set of beliefs and practices involving acknowledgement of a divine or higher being, power or principle, by which people order the conduct of their lifes both practically and in a moral sense

15 12-16 March 2007 StatCapCA Training Workshop No 3, Dushanbe 15 Different questions 1. Formal membership of a community or church 2. Identification with a certain religion, community or denomination 3. Religion in which a person was brought up 4. Religious beliefs 5. Religious attendance and practice

16 12-16 March 2007 StatCapCA Training Workshop No 3, Dushanbe 16 Which questions for which purposes?  Usually a question (1 or 2) referring to the relationship with a religious community is asked  The question on the religion in which one was brought up informs about religious change and should be combined with question one or two  The questions on religious practices is extremely sensitive and complicated in a Census, it should rather be asked in sample surveys. The same applies to religous beliefs.

17 12-16 March 2007 StatCapCA Training Workshop No 3, Dushanbe 17 Practical aspects  Questionnaires should always include open boxes to allow small groups to identify  Respondents should be allowed to indicate « none » or « not declared » when asked for their religion  Countries should fix rules how the religion of children from mixed couples is determined  Classifications should be comprehensive and include on the lowest level also subsets of religions and churches, breakaway groups as well as belief systems that are not generally considered religions

18 12-16 March 2007 StatCapCA Training Workshop No 3, Dushanbe 18 Classifications  On the highest level, a classification is proposed which distinguishes between six Christian (including Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant) and seven Islamic religious groups (Alawit, Ismaili, Ithna’ashari, Shia, Sufi, Sunni, Zaydi) and five other religious groups (including « other »)  Coding and classification procedures should be clearly defined and transparent

19 Thank you very much for your attenion!

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