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200 300 400 100 200 300 400 100 200 300 400 100 200 300 400 100 200 300 400 100 Skeletal System 500 Muscular System The Eye Digestive System Picture This.

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1 200 300 400 100 200 300 400 100 200 300 400 100 200 300 400 100 200 300 400 100 Skeletal System 500 Muscular System The Eye Digestive System Picture This

2 State three of the jobs of the skeletal system.

3 1. Protect internal organs 2. Provide shape and support 3. Helps you move 4. Produces blood cells 5. Stores materials

4 A place where two bones come together is called a __________.

5 Joint

6 Where are blood cells produced?

7 In the bone marrow (specifically-red marrow)

8 Bones are connected to each other by _________; bones are connected to muscles by ___________.

9 Bones are connected to each other by ligaments; bones are connected to muscles by tendons.

10 What 2 minerals are bones made of?

11 Calcium and Phosphorus

12 What is the difference between voluntary and involuntary muscles?

13 Voluntary -you can control Involuntary-you can’t control

14 What are the three types of muscles?

15 Cardiac, smooth and skeletal

16 What kind of muscle is involuntary and lines the inside of many organs like the stomach?

17 Smooth muscle

18 Skeletal muscles are ___________ muscles that get tired ________.

19 Skeletal muscles are voluntary muscles that get tired fast.

20 Why do skeletal muscles work in pairs?

21 Muscles can only contract. So when one muscle in the pair contracts, the other muscle is stretched and returns to its original size.

22 What is the cornea and what is it’s job?

23 The cornea is a clear tissue that covers the front of the eye. It’s job is to protect the eye.

24 What is the difference between “aqueous humor” and “vitreous humor?”

25 Aqueous humour is found between the lens and cornea and contains nutrients and oxygen. Vitreous humour is found between the lens and retina and helps the eye keep its shape.

26 What is the retina?

27 A layer of receptor cells that lines the back of the eye.

28 Describe 3 differences between the cow’s eye and our own.

29 1. The cow’s eye is larger then ours. 2. Cow’s have an oval shaped pupil; a human’s is round. 3. The cow’s eye has a reflective layer called a tapetum that human eyes do not have.

30 What is the difference between rods and cones?

31 Rods let you see in dim light and black/white/gray colors Cones let you see in bright light and colors.

32 What do we call the involuntary waves of muscle contractions that push food along?

33 Peristalsis

34 What are the two jobs of saliva?

35 1. Moisten food so it slides better 2. Start chemical digestion

36 How are the jobs of your liver and gallbladder connected?

37 Your liver breaks down medications and produces bile. The gallbladder stores bile to be released into the small intestine.

38 Almost all mechanical digestion occurs in the __________ while most chemical digestion occurs in the ___________.

39 Almost all mechanical digestion occurs in the stomach while most chemical digestion occurs in the small intestine.

40 Describe what villi are and what they do.

41 They are tiny finger shaped structures with capillaries inside. The capillaries inside villi pick up nutrients so blood can carry to rest of body. Villi increase the surface area of the small intestine so food can be absorbed into the blood stream.

42 What is the arrow pointing to in the picture?

43 The stomach

44 What is the arrow pointing to in the picture?

45 Small Intestine

46 Where would you find these three bones?

47 In your ear! The three smallest bones in your body are located in your ear and are called the hammer, anvil and stirrup based on their shape.

48 What are the arrows pointing to in the picture? A. (blue part) B. (black part)

49 A. Iris B. Pupil

50 What are the arrows pointing to in the picture? What does each part do? D. (fluid that fills space) C. (lining on the inside of the eye) A. B.

51 A. Cornea-protects the eye B. Lens-changes shape to allow light to focus on the retina C. Retina-layer of receptor cells D. Vitreous Humour-keeps retina pushed up against the back of the eye

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