Enlightenment & REVOLUTION!! Unit 6. Age of Enlightenment (Early 1700s)

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Presentation on theme: "Enlightenment & REVOLUTION!! Unit 6. Age of Enlightenment (Early 1700s)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Enlightenment & REVOLUTION!! Unit 6

2 Age of Enlightenment (Early 1700s)

3 Beliefs of The Enlightenment  Using Reason Solves ALL Problems  Focus on Changing/Improving Gov’t –Anti-Religion, Humanist

4 Thomas Hobbes  Book: Leviathan  Only a POWERFUL Gov’t Can Provide Order  People are Naturally Cruel & Selfish

5 John Locke  Book: Two Treaties of Government  All People Have NATURAL RIGHTS –Life –Liberty –Property –OVERTHROW Bad Government

6 Montesquieu  Book: The Spirit of Laws  Divide Gov’t Into Executive, Judicial, & Legislative – Checks & Balances

7 Adam Smith  Book: The Wealth of Nations  Wants LAISSEZ FAIRE Economy –Gov’t Leaves Economy ALONE

8 Others  Roussau –People Are Corrupted by SOCIETY –Book: Social Contract  Wollstoncraft –Woman’s Equality  Diderot –End of Slavery/Education for All

9 Other Aspects of the Enlightenment  Enlightenment Authors Wanted a Democratically Elected Gov’t  Catholic Church Banned Books by Authors and Imprisoned Them  Absolute Monarchs Who Wanted Change Were “Enlightened Monarchs” –Frederick & Catherine the Great

10 Rise of Democracy

11 The King’s Advisors  Great Britain Became a CONSTITUTIONAL MONARCHY –Kingdom w/ Rules  King Had to Listen to a Group of Advisors Called The CABINET Led by a PRIME MINISTER

12 American Revolution

13 Anger in America  Former English in America Felt Their Rights Were Protected By MAGNA CARTA  British Sent Troops to America; Violence Led to BOSTON MASSACRE  American’s Protested Over Taxes (BOSTON TEA PARTY)

14 American Action  Formed CONTINENTAL CONGRESS –First Independent American Government  DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE –Written by Thomas Jefferson Against British Control of America –“Life, Liberty, Pursuit of Happiness”

15 American Revolutionary War  Fought British in America Because Americans Were Taxed w/o Being Represented  BATTLE OF YORKTOWN (1781) –Ended War w/ American Victory

16 American Independence  Treaty of Paris (1783) –U.S. Becomes Independent Nation –Ally w/ France Helped U.S. Win

17 Poster Assignment  Make a Poster Advertising Either For or Against American Independence from Britain  Include Reason Why You Chose Side  Have a Clear Picture Representing Opinion

18 The French Revolution

19 The Three Estates  French Society was Divided Into THREE ESTATES Under the King: –First: Clergy (Pastors, Priests, etc) –Second: Nobles (Wealthy, Landowners) –Third: Everyone Else  Estates General was France’s Parliament or Congress –Against King’s Power


21 Problems in France  The Government Was Broke –Spent to Much on Wars & Luxuries  King Louis Called the Estates General Into Session (Make Decisions) –First Time in 175 Years –Needed Them to Raise Taxes

22 French Constitution  Once In Session, Estates General Writes NEW Constitution (1789) –For “Life, Equality, Fraternity”  Similar to American Constitution in Same Year

23 Rebellion Begins  King Louis XIV Begins Oppressing & Attacking the Estates General –Anger at New Constitution  French Citizens in Paris ATTACK the King’s Fort, The BASTILLE for Weapons –Begins French Revolution

24 Storming of the Bastille

25 Revolution’s Results  France Formed a National Assembly –Took Property from Catholic Church to Pay Off Debts  King Louis XIV & Wife Marie Antoinette Tried to Escape to Germany –Were Caught, Arrested, EXECUTED

26 Reign of Terror  Max Robespierre NEW Head of French Gov’t  Treated Enemies of Revolution as Traitors  Use of Guillotine –Executed People like King Louis XIV –Killed Over 40,000 in Paris Alone

27 The Guillotine

28 Napoleon

29 Napoleon Bonaparte  General in the French Army  Took Control of France (1789) –Made It a World Power  SHORT, Charismatic, In Love (w/ Josephine)

30 Supported By Everyone  French Catholics –Gave Them Religious Freedom  Peasants –Allowed Them to Keep Lands Stolen from Nobles and Church

31 Napoleonic Wars  Tried to Conquer the World; Europe 1st  Victories –Italy –Germany  Defeats –Trafalgar (to England) –Russia (TOO Cold; Only 2.5% Army Survived) –Waterloo (LAST Defeat)

32 Napoleon’s Legacy  Napoleon Abdicates After Losing, Exiled to the Island Elba  Returns, but is Exiled Again to Island in South Atlantic, Dies  Sold Louisiana to the United States to Pay for Wars –Doubled the Size of the U.S.


34 Even MORE Revolution

35 Congress of Vienna  Leaders in Europe Met to Discuss Europe’s Future  Balanced Power Amongst the European Countries; Equal Power  Replaced Governments in Other Countries Back to MONARCHIES

36 Causes of Other French Revolutions  Revolution of 1830 –Charles X Tried to Make Himself an ABSOLUTE MONARCH  Revolution of 1848 –Louis Philippe's Corrupt Gov’t –Recession –Rise in Bread Prices

37 Latin American Revolutions

38 Haiti  First Latin American Country to Rebel –Inspired by French & American –Leader Toussaint L’Overture JUST Like Napoleon  Violent, Bloody Slave Rebellion Against Masters  Made First Independent Black Nation in the Americas

39 Haitian Revolution

40 Rebellion Against Spanish  Mexico –Led by Agustin de Iturbide –Became Emperor Briefly  Peru –Led by Tupac Amaru II

41 Revolutionaries  Simon Bolivar –Independence of: Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, & Bolivia  Jose de San Martin –Independence of: Argentina & Chile

42 Brazil  PEACEFUL Independence Gained from Portugal  Portuguese King Gave Son to Rule Brazil Independently

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