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ELA Instruction on Botox– No Needles Required PETE&C 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "ELA Instruction on Botox– No Needles Required PETE&C 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 ELA Instruction on Botox– No Needles Required PETE&C 2014

2 Amy Schwab ▪ Second Grade Teacher - Woodland Elementary – Cameron County SD ▪ National Board Certified Teacher ▪ KTI – Keystone Technology Integrator, State Level

3 Definition: What is Botox?

4 The injection of Botox has become very popular for reducing wrinkles and rejuvenating the aging face. The transition to Common Core has become very popular for inducing stress and integrating the use of technology.

5 1.4 Writing Technology and Publication With some guidance and support, use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing as well as to interact and collaborate with others; demonstrate sufficient command of keyboarding skills to type a minimum of two pages in a single setting.

6 What are you using now? ▪ Classroom desktop computer/computer lab ▪ iPads ▪ Chromebooks ▪ Laptops

7 Writing Process/6 Traits ▪ Prewrite – oral/written ▪ Rough Draft ▪ Revising ▪ Edit/conference ▪ Publish

8 The Life of My Sneaker ▪ Sneaker Stories – Narrative Sneaker Stories ▪

9 Blabberized Turkeys Turkeys – Opinion/Argumentative When I Grow Up

10 If I Lived in a Snow Globe ▪ Audacity

11 Book Commercials ▪ Book Commercials Book Commercials Green Screen Movie FX Studio iMovie

12 The Lorax ▪ The Lorax The Lorax iMovie

13 Animal Reports ▪ Animal Reports Animal Reports FaceTalker App ChatterPix Kids by Duck Duck Moose

14 100 Years From Now How will you be different 100 years from now? Aging Booth App

15 Pheasant Chicks Blog ▪ Pheasant Blog Pheasant Blog

16 Reader’s Theater Pod Casts A Turkey for Thanksgiving

17 Contact Me ▪ ▪ Class Website -

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