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Presentation on theme: "Therapies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Therapies

2 Psychotherapy A systematic interaction between a therapist and a client that brings psychological principles to bear on a client’s thoughts, feelings, or behavior to help the client overcome abnormal behavior (or to adjust to problems in living)

3 Different Types of Therapists
Psychologist Counselor Psychiatrist Psychiatric Social Worker Psychoanalyst

4 Who Goes to Therapy? People with psychological disorders
People who want to learn about themselves People with regular problems (weight loss, depression, shyness)

5 Insight Therapies Traditional Psychoanalysis Client Centered Therapy
Cognitive Therapies Group therapies Involves verbal interactions intended to enhance a client’s self knowledge and thus promote healthful changes in personality and behavior.

6 Psychoanalysis Insight therapy that emphasizes the recovery of unconscious conflicts, motives, and defenses though techniques such as free association, dream analysis, and transference. *free association *dream analysis *transference (countertransference)

7 Modern vs. Traditional Psychoanalysis
1-2x weekly “face to face” Problem resolution Active & directive Supportive, educational, and less intense 4-5x weekly “couch therapy” Reconstruct character Free association, transference, and resistance

8 Client Centered Therapy
Carl Rogers’ insight thereapy that emphasizes providing a supportive meotional climate for clients who play a major role in determining the pace and direction of the therapy. Unconditional positive regard Empathic understanding Genuineness Congruence

9 Cognitive Therapies Forms of Therapy that focus on how clients’ cognitions lead to distress and may be modified to relieve distress. Improve a person’s well being by changing negative thoughts and maladaptive beliefs Albert Ellis: Rational Emotive therapy Aaron Beck: Cognitive Therapy Problem Solving Training

10 Advantages of Group Therapies
Cheaper Able to hear experiences of others Group support Similarity Improvement happens Social skills

11 Behavior Therapies Behavior is a product of learning and what is learned can be unlearned. Fear Reduction Methods Aversive conditioning Operant Conditioning token economies biofeedback

12 Biomedical Therapies Drug Therapy Anti-anxiety anti-psychotic
antidepressants lithium Electroconvulsive Therapies Psychosurgery

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