St. Anne Bible Study 5 Nov 2012 1. Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of they law. Psalm 119:18 O God, our Father, Open our eyes and.

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1 St. Anne Bible Study 5 Nov 2012 1

2 Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of they law. Psalm 119:18 O God, our Father, Open our eyes and enlighten our minds as we study your word. So grant that our minds may know your truth and our hearts may feel your love; And then confirm and strengthen our wills, that we may go out to live what we have learned: through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen 2

3  Paul wanted the Romans to sponsor him to Spain; He needed their support; wanted to set the record straight on his message “law free gospel” ◦ He anticipates the objections; Does “law free” means “anything goes”?  Paul is rehearsing the arguments he may need in Jerusalem  He wants everyone to get along; reconciliation of the Jews and Gentiles ◦ Jews returning to Rome could cause issues for the Gentile Christians 3

4  Both Jews & Gentiles under the wrath of God (1:18-3:20) ◦ Gentiles  Did not have scripture to guide them but this does not excuse their behavior  Did not have the “Law” but they violated the law written on their hearts ◦ Jews  Did have scripture to guide them but they disobeyed  Both Jews & Gentiles are the beneficiaries of God’s grace ( 3:21-5:21) 4

5  Abraham – righteous because of his faith  God’s action in Jesus restored human beings to a right relationship with God ◦ They are JUSTIFIED BY FAITH ◦ Through Jesus, both Jews & Gentiles can have peace with God 5

6  Righteousness ◦ Being in a right relationship  Justification ◦ The act of being put into a right relationship with God  Sanctification ◦ Being made holy or righteous by God  See handout 12.7 6

7  Something God displays (3:25), reckons (4:3,6) & imparts (10:3)  What is done through Jesus shows God is righteous  God Shows grace to all humanity  God displays the righteous qualities of faithfulness & generosity  God is faithful to the covenant; he gives Jews a means of salvation through faith in their Messiah  God offers salvation to the undeserving (5:6, 5:10) 7

8  Romans are justified by their faith ◦ Restored, reconciled to God  Justification is a consequence of faithfulness ◦ Assumes that those faithful trust God’s promises, believe the gospel and strive to be faithful  Consequence is sanctification (6:22) 8

9  Paul wants all people to live in a way pleasing to God ◦ Jews failed to do this ◦ Gentiles unlikely to do better if they shown the scriptures and told to live by the law  True obedience to God’s will comes through faith ◦ Result of being reconciled with God (5:10) & Receiving the gift of the spirit (8:4) 9

10  Divine blessings are available to all who have faith ◦ Once available only to Israel, now offered to all  Opportunity for inclusion of all  Might be Paul’s main point of the letter 10

11 Refer to the following passages; Discuss the reading with the following question in mind  Chapters 6:1 – 7:6; Also see handout 12.8 ◦ If Salvation comes by grace, why shouldn’t people just continue to sin so that grace may abound?  Chapters 7:7 – 8:39 ◦ What is the role of the law now? Does it still have a place in the lives of Christians 11

12  Romans has been used as a scripture basis to justify exclusion of others based on homosexuality. Romans has been used to justify slavery, to show that you didn’t have to do good works for others.  If Paul was around now, how do you think he would feel about these interpretations? 12

13 Topic: Paul’s Letters:ReadingPlaceDate RighteousnessRomans 1-8El Rancho Grande Nov 5th Jews and the chosen peopleRomans 9-11El Rancho Grande Nov 19th Practical aspects of lifeRomans 12-15El Rancho Grande Dec 3rd Letter to Phoebe & Conclusions Women in Romans Romans 16El Rancho Grande Dec 17 th 13

14  The Bible Challenge ◦ challenge/ challenge/  Websites ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦  Books ◦ Barclay, William. Barclay’s Guide to the New Testament. Westminster John Knox Press. 2008 ◦ Powell, Mark Allan Powell. Introducing the New Testament. Published by Baker Academic, a division of Baker Publishing Group. Copyright © 2009 14

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