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Germ Cells Specification Migration Meiosis Gamete Formation.

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1 Germ Cells Specification Migration Meiosis Gamete Formation

2 Germ Cell Specification: Germ Plasm
Theodor Boveri ( ) Centrifugation and displacement of first cleavage.

3 Germ cell specification: Drosophila
Pole cells germ cell-less (gcl) polar granule component (pgc) Oskar, Vasa, Aubergine

4 Germ cell specification: Drosophila
Fig 16.4

5 Germ cell specification: Frogs/Fish
Germ Plasm located in vegetal pole. Nanos Vasa

6 Germ cell specification: mammals
Wnts make cells competent for BMPs BMPs Induce blimp1 and prdm14 Regulate Sox2, Nanog, and Nanos3.

7 Cell Migration: Drosophila
Movement into posterior midgut Gut endoderm triggers migration into visceral mesoderm PGCs split, each will associate with developing gonad. Germ cells migrate to gonads. Attraction/repulsion HMG-CoA reductase

8 Cell Migration: Drosophila
Dpp- BMP2/4 homolog Bag of Marbles (Bam)

9 Cell migration: Zebrafish
Sdf1 and CXCR4 Figure 16.12

10 Cell migration: Frogs Fig

11 Cell migration: Mammals

12 Cell migration: Bird and Reptiles
Germinal crescent Sdf1/CXCR4 Fig and 8.9

13 Cell migration: Bird and Reptiles
Germinal crescent Sdf1/CXCR4 Fig and 8.9

14 Meiosis

15 Prophase I Chromatin condenses Spindle forms
Nuclear membrane breaks down Homologous chromosomes pair Chromosomes attach to spindle as tetrads

16 Homologous pairs form tetrads
While chromosomes are paired, crossing-over can occur Tetrad

17 Metaphase I Tetrads line up at equator
Homologous chromosomes face opposite poles

18 Anaphase I Homologous chromosomes separate
Pulled apart by spindle shortening Sister chromatids stay together

19 Telophase I Chromosomes reach poles Nucleus may re-form
Haploid cell Chromosomes reach poles Nucleus may re-form Spindle breaks down Cell divides (cytokinesis) Two haploid daughter cells (N chromosomes) Haploid cell

20 Meiosis I Daughters have one chromosome from each pair
Haploid: no homologous pairs Still two copies of each chromosome (sister chromatids) diploid cell: N = 2 2N = 4 haploid cell: 2 chromosomes

21 Meiosis II Very similar to mitosis Sister chromatids separate
Telophase I Interphase II Prophase II Metaphase II Anaphase II Telophase II Cytokinesis

22 Results of meiosis Four haploid gametes One chromosome set each
Genetically different A a b B

23 Gamete Maturation: Frogs
Vitellogenin Progesterone Fig and 16.25

24 Gametogenesis in Mammals
Female oogenesis Male spermatogenesis Meiosis initiated once in finite population of cells One gamete produced Completion of meiosis delayed months/years Meiosis arrested in first prophase. Differentiation of gamete occurs while diploid All chromosomes exhibit equivalent transcription Meiosis initiated continuously in mitotic stem cell Four gametes produced Meiosis completed in days or weeks Meiosis and differentiation proceed continuously w/o cell cycle arrest Differentiation of gamete occurs while haploid Sex chromosomes excluded from recombination and transcription

25 Gametogenesis in Mammals

26 Gametogenesis in Mammals
Fig 16.27

27 Spermiogenesis

28 Mammalian Oogenesis Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GRH)
Follicle –stimulating and lutenizing hormones (FSH and LH)



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