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(C) 2000, The University of Michigan 1 Database Application Design Handout #7 February 18, 2000.

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1 (C) 2000, The University of Michigan 1 Database Application Design Handout #7 February 18, 2000

2 (C) 2000, The University of Michigan 2 Course information Instructor: Dragomir R. Radev ( Office: 305A, West Hall Phone: (734) 615-5225 Office hours: Thursdays 3-4 and Fridays 1-2 Course page: Class meets on Fridays, 2:30 - 5:30 PM, 311 WH

3 (C) 2000, The University of Michigan 3 E-R design using ERWin

4 (C) 2000, The University of Michigan 4 E-R Win Logical and Physical Display Connection to different DBMS servers including Oracle, Access, MS SQL Server, etc.

5 (C) 2000, The University of Michigan 5 Database applications using Internet Technology

6 (C) 2000, The University of Michigan 6 The Internet TCP/IP WWW HTTP HTML/SGML

7 Newspapers Newspapers American New York Times Washington Post Chicago Tribune Detroit Free Press Foreign Le Monde Clarín The Times

8 (C) 2000, The University of Michigan 8

9 9 Internet Standards HTTP CGI URL MIME

10 (C) 2000, The University of Michigan 10 MIME types application/pdf pdf application/postscript ai eps ps application/zip zip audio/basic au snd audio/x-aiff aif aiff aifc audio/x-wav wav image/gif gif image/ief ief image/jpeg jpeg jpg jpe image/tiff tiff tif text/html html text/plain txt video/mpeg mpeg mpg mpe video/quicktime qt mov type=audio/x-pn-realaudio exts=ra,ram

11 (C) 2000, The University of Michigan 11 Intranets Local systems Firewalls

12 (C) 2000, The University of Michigan 12 Network Database Applications Static publishing DB query publishing Application Publishing

13 (C) 2000, The University of Michigan 13 Three-tier architecture Browser HTTP serverDB server DB

14 (C) 2000, The University of Michigan 14 Languages used for Internet- technology applications Scripting languages: JavaScript, VBScript, Jscript Java Visual Basic, C++, ActiveX

15 (C) 2000, The University of Michigan 15 Markup languages HTML DHTML XML - related to XSL

16 1 2 Weiss Michael 3 Balaba Natalia Esfandiari Babak Kian-Tan Eng Ware Tom SOURCE: /Example_XML_document.html

17 (C) 2000, The University of Michigan 17 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 <!ATTLIST link manager IDREF #IMPLIED subordinates IDREFS #IMPLIED> 8

18 (C) 2000, The University of Michigan 18 1 2 3 4

19 (C) 2000, The University of Michigan 19 The role of Web servers Maintaining state Server-side scripting

20 (C) 2000, The University of Michigan 20 Managing multi-user databases

21 (C) 2000, The University of Michigan 21 Concurrency control Atomic transactions (LUWs = logical units of work) Concurrent transaction processing Lost update problem

22 (C) 2000, The University of Michigan 22 Resource locking Locks: implicit, explicit Serizalizable transaction –2PL: growing phase, followed by a shrinking phase COMMIT and ROLLBACK DEADLOCKS

23 (C) 2000, The University of Michigan 23 Readings for next time Kroenke –Chapter 12: Managing Multi-User Databases YRK (optional) –Chapter 11: PHP and other support for database-driven HTML

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