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Lesson 9.2: Converting “Easy” Fractions to Decimals and Percents.

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1 Lesson 9.2: Converting “Easy” Fractions to Decimals and Percents


3 Mental Math For each fraction, write the equivalent decimal and percent on your white board. Example: You would write: ____ and ____

4 Math Message Complete Problem 1 on Journal page 252.

5 Using “Easy” Fractions Remember that a percent literally means, “per” “cent”, or per one hundred. It is easy to rename a fraction as a percent when the denominator is 100 because the fraction is per 100. For example, has another name, 87%.

6 What are “easy” fractions? Any fraction, whose denominator is a factor of 100.

7 Using equivalent fractions to change “easy” fractions into percents. Ask yourself, what can I multiply the denominator by to equal 100. For example, 5 * ___ = 100 Then remember that whatever you do to denomi, you must do to nume. * ____

8 Solve Problems 2-4 on page 252 with a partner.

9 Solve problems on MJ page 253 alone.

10 “Easy” Fractions MJ pages 342 and 343. Which are the “easy” fractions? How do you know?

11 Let’s try a problem from tonight’s homework…

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