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LBJ & the Great Society Chapter 28 Section 3

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1 LBJ & the Great Society Chapter 28 Section 3

2 I Johnson’s Road to Power LBJ grew up in Texas  entered politics as a “New Dealer” or spokesperson for struggling farmers FDR takes him under his wing LBJ’s skillful politics in Congress  Civil Rights Act of 1957 LBJ’s skill at achieving results in congress  VP nominee on Dem. Ticket LBJ on the pres. Ticket helped JFK to win key states in the south including Texas

3 II LBJ’s Domestic Agenda Urged congress to continue JFK’s work in Civil Rights and tax cuts Tax cut bill spurred econ growth (stimulated consumer spending  higher corp. profits  higher tax revenues  lower fed. Deficit) LBJ signs Civil Rights Act of 1964= prohibiting discrimination War on Poverty  believed bold public action could change lives of Americans who lived w/o hope of reaching American dream Economic Opportunity Act (EOA) = $1 mil. for poverty, youth, & job training programs VISTA (volunteers in Service to America) Project Head Start= EDU program for under privileged preschoolers Community Action Program = encouraged poor ppl to participate in setting up public-works programs

4 II 1964 Election & the Great Society Dem. LBJ VS Rep. Barry Goldwater who believed gov’t had no right trying to right social and econ wrongs such as poverty, discrimination, & lack of opportunity Goldwater attacks Social Security & talk of nuke attack on Cuba frightens Americans Plays on fears LBJ wins by landslide & gain seats in congress The Great Society Start at 3 rd minute

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