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PowerUP Your Life The Power of Prayer The Power of Community The Power of 10 The Power of One.

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Presentation on theme: "PowerUP Your Life The Power of Prayer The Power of Community The Power of 10 The Power of One."— Presentation transcript:

1 PowerUP Your Life The Power of Prayer The Power of Community The Power of 10 The Power of One

2 2006 Results from PowerUP Prayer for Lost+4,041% SS Enrollment+ 14% Prospects+ 99% Attendance+ 35% Baptisms+ 121% New class starts+ 13% Leaders trained+ 652%

3 PowerUP Your Life The churches that had the best results in PowerUP had three common actions 1 – They set goals 2 – They followed up 3 – They personalized PowerUP for their church

4 PowerUP Your Life Eastside Baptist Church in Marietta, OK had weekly follow-up on prospects, newly enrolled, and absentees. Attendance – 60 to 193 on High Attendance Day Averaging 130 in SS since Made 1,122 contacts in 7 weeks

5 The Power of Prayer “The prayers of a righteous man availeth much”

6 The Power of Prayer Family Prayer tents Front side of tent How to pray for the unsaved (reverse side) Family prayer list Class prayer list

7 The Power of Prayer Home prayer meetings SS Class meets for food & fellowship Devotion about prayer evangelism Develop a class prayer list in the Home Prayer Meeting Distribute Prayer Tents Class spends time praying over the people on their class’ evangelistic prayer list

8 The Power of Community Life Change happens best in small groups

9 Bring the Unsaved to SS Practice Team Evangelism Spiritual gifts are used for evangelism Your friend can safely experience prayer, Bible study, ministry & community Your friend can hear the gospel in SS and Worship

10 The Power of Community Enrolling unsaved people in Sunday School is the lost treasure of evangelism 1 of 3 unsaved people enrolled in SS will make a profession of faith in one year Enrollment rises as church members take risks Enrollment decreases as church members get comfortable

11 PowerUP Your Life According to a survey of Oklahoma’s fastest growing churches, enrollment is the thermostat for growth.

12 A Tale of Two Directions Fastest Growing and Declining Oklahoma churches Top 100 Bottom 100 Enrollment+48%-32% Attendance+44%-24% Baptisms+59%-34%

13 PowerUP Your Life 25% of worship attenders are NOT enrolled in Sunday School

14 The Power of Community Green wristbands 1 st Sunday of PowerUP Your Life, each person will develop their “Sunday School Testimony” Distribute enrollment cards in worship to all attenders “Who Do” you know cards

15 The Power of 10 For every Sunday School class your church starts, attendance will increase by about 10 people.

16 The Power of 10 FBC Skiatook started 6 new SS classes during PowerUP. Enrollment increased by 51 Attendance increased by 60+ Baptized 6 people through their PowerUP campaign

17 The Power of 10 The modern small group movement sets a limit of 12 people for a small group. Beyond 12, the social dynamics break down and community is lost.

18 The Power of 10 Fit as many people into a hoola- hoop as is comfortable NOW Squeeze in a few more!!

19 Starting New Groups Respects the social boundaries of the individual Allows for more community Creates possibilities for new leaders to emerge and grow Lets the church grow “larger and smaller”

20 The Power of One God can do amazing things through just one committed person!

21 The Power of One “For the eyes of the Lord search to and fro throughout the earth, that He may strongly support those whose heart is completely His.” 2 Chronicles 16:9

22 The Power of One The primary driver for 21 st Century Sunday School is leadership. “People follow leaders, not formulas”

23 The Power of One Needed: Sunday School leaders with backbone who are innovators and risk-takers!

24 PowerUP Leadership 2 Timothy 2:2 Personal leadership (2 Chron 16:9 Coaching Leadership (Mt 4:19) Team Leadership (Mark 6:7- 13) Organizational Change (Mt 5:14-16)

25 PowerUP Leadership Personal Leadership Leaders reproduce who they are. Fig trees don’t produce oranges!

26 PowerUP Leadership Coaching Leadership Leaders invest their dreams with intimate followers. Jesus – Peter, James, John Barnabas – Paul Pastor – SS Director, key lay people

27 PowerUP Leadership Team Leadership Leaders of groups hold incredible influence. Invest in leading these people and your leadership grows exponentially.

28 PowerUP Leadership “You can’t expect to play like a champion on Saturday if you haven’t paid the price during the week.”

29 PowerUP Leadership Invest in quality, regular leadership meetings with your Sunday School. Your SS leaders will carry the dream in their classes.

30 PowerUP Leadership Organizational Change Sunday School change happens best when the class leaders capture the dream and carry the flag.

31 PowerUP Leadership People model their leaders! If you want to change the organization, transform the leadership.

32 PowerUP Your Life

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