STIMULATING BEVERAGES COFFEE Seeds of Coffea arabica Native to mountain of Ethiopia Goats discovered stimulating properties of plant Caffeine-Alkaloid.

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Presentation on theme: "STIMULATING BEVERAGES COFFEE Seeds of Coffea arabica Native to mountain of Ethiopia Goats discovered stimulating properties of plant Caffeine-Alkaloid."— Presentation transcript:

1 STIMULATING BEVERAGES COFFEE Seeds of Coffea arabica Native to mountain of Ethiopia Goats discovered stimulating properties of plant Caffeine-Alkaloid affects CNS Produced only by plants but can effect in animals

2 COFFEE PLANT- Coffea arabica Small evergreen tree or shrub with shiny leaves White flowers after fertilization develops a berry “coffee berry” red at maturity Within cherry, fleshy white pulp surrounds two greyish seeds Only seeds used for coffee production “Beans” Requires tropical and subtropical climates Cannot tolerate frost Fruiting starts 3-5 yrs of age and last for 35yrs



5 DEPULPING Wet Method (Latin America) Cherries floated in large tanks, residual pulp clinging to beans allowed to ferment upto 24hrs After fermentation, beans washed and dried and seed coats removed and roasted Dry Method: cherries dried while pulp ferments

6 FROM BEAN TO BREW Flavor and aroma depends upon art of roasting Temp. and time crucial factors Light roast preferred in North America at temp. of 212-218C Dark roasts at 240C Lighter the roast, sweeter flavor Darker beans bitter in taste

7 Chemical reaction during roasting involve Conversion of starch into sugar, begins with temp. of 207C At slighter temp. (212-218C) sugars begin to caramelize and beans turn brown At 238C, carbonization begins as sugar begins to burn, leaving only carbon darkening bean Roasting may include release of essential oil Caffecol giving coffee its characteristics aroma

8 COFFEE VARIETIES Coffea arabica 60 other species of coffee C. canephora and C. liberica C. canephora grown in Asia and Africa has stronger and harder taste C. liberica bitter coffee and cultivated in Asia High mountain coffee are best, Jamaica Blue mountain finest one

9 DECAFFEINATION Decaffeination is generally achieved by Methylene chloride that removes caffeine Ethyl acetate Swiss water decaffeination method Green coffee beans soaked in an aqueous solution containing all chemical components present in coffee except caffeine Caffeine present in beans naturally diffuses out of beans in water

10 SUPERCRITICAL CO 2 PROCESS CO 2 acts both as liquid and a gas Beans soaked in water, their size increases, and dissolves caffeine Beans and water placed at top of large extraction vessel, filled with supercritical CO 2 As beans move to down of vessel (within 5hrs) caffeine and some water diffuses out of beans into CO 2

11 CO 2 in its supercritical state can penetrate the beans as gas and can dissolve the caffeine as liquid 90-99% of caffeine removed through this method Decaffeinated beans removed and caffeine extracted from CO 2 for use in soft drinks and pharmaceutical preparations Two cans of soft drinks contain caffeine present in a cup of coffee

12 Caffeinism Caffeine induces birth defects Common additive in soft drinks Coca-cola may have (45.6mg) Pepsi-cola (38.4mg) Diet-coke (45.6mg) Mountain Dew (54mg) Brewed Tea (40mg) in 12 ounce serving

13 TEA - CAMELLIA SINENSIS Tropical and sub-tropical climate

14 Small tree, shrub native to China, India, Tibet Black Tea, Green tea Essential oils and tannins determine taste and aroma Aroma of boiling tea is due to its essential oil Theol

15 Jasmine tea, a semifermented tea Tannins in tea responsible for staining teapots, teeth of habitual tea drinkers Black tea rich in tannins May have ant carcinogenic properties Polyphenols in tea interfere with key enzymes needed for cancer growth Use of green tea in sun blocks to prevent skin cancer

16 Stimulating effect of tea due to caffeine and theophylline in leaves Within human body, during metabolism caffeine converted to theophylline Useful for asthma Asthmatics can get relief through drinking coffee or caffeine in emergency

17 CHOCOLATE Columbus introduced Cacao beans to Europeans in 1502 Source cocoa seed of Theobroma cacao

18 Coca tree different from coca bush cocaine Cultivated initially in Mexico Aztec mythology, god Quetzalcoatl gave coca beans to Aztec people Coca beans offered as gift to gods Theobroma means “foods of the gods”

19 COLA NITIDA SEEDS Cola nitida seeds...source of Coca-Cola drink containing 13.5% water, 9.5% crude protein, 7% cellulose, 3.8% ash, 2.8% caffeine, 0.05% theoborine and kolatine

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