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Qualitative & Quantitative Observations Mrs. Anna Ward.

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Presentation on theme: "Qualitative & Quantitative Observations Mrs. Anna Ward."— Presentation transcript:

1 Qualitative & Quantitative Observations Mrs. Anna Ward

2 Today’s Warm-Up Come in QUIETLY and gather your materials you need for class (writing utensil and notebook; any paperwork you need for class) Pick up a copy of the Raven Way Safety Lesson on the printer table Find your ASSIGNED seat QUIETLY and begin your WARM-UP

3 Reminders… You should have your science notebooks today BY FRIDAY— All forms should be turned in You will have a quiz on classroom procedures, observations, and the scientific method EVERY DAY YOU SHOULD BE EXEMPLIFYING THE RAVEN WAY

4 Agenda for the day Review Warm-Up (Safety) Complete Classroom Posters (Blocks 1, 4, 5) Set up Science Notebooks Qualitative and Quantitative Observations Sewer Fleas Observation Practice Collaboration Review Procedures as needed

5 Qualitative or Quantitative… It is light green in color. QUALITATIVE (1)

6 Qualitative or Quantitative… It tastes sour. QUALITATIVE (1)

7 Qualitative or Quantitative… One leaf is 9 cm long. QUANTITATIVE (2)

8 Qualitative or Quantitative… It makes a loud pop sound. QUALITATIVE (1)

9 Qualitative or Quantitative… The mass of the computer is 1 ½ kg. QUANTITATIVE (2)

10 Qualitative or Quantitative… It smells sweet. QUALITATIVE (1)

11 Qualitative or Quantitative… The temperature of the room increases by 8 degrees C. QUANTITATIVE (2)

12 Qualitative or Quantitative… It gets darker over a period of time. QUALITATIVE (1)

13 Qualitative or Quantitative… The flowers cluster in 3 blooms. QUANTITATIVE (2)

14 Qualitative or Quantitative… Feels very rough. QUALITATIVE (1)

15 Qualitative or Quantitative… The Plant is short. QUALITATIVE (1)

16 Qualitative or Quantitative… Leaves are stiff. QUALITATIVE (1)

17 Qualitative or Quantitative… The veins are 3mm wide. QUANTITATIVE (2)

18 For Discussion… What are some qualitative examples? What are some quantitative examples? Which type of observation is more accurate and why?

19 Setting up our notebooks. I will lead you through setting up your interactive science notebook.

20 NOTES…. GOING FORWARD, I have a special technique to help you know what is important and what you should write down. Anything I need you to write down I will outline in RED.

21 QUALITATIVE OBSERVATIONS Qualitative Observations are when you use your senses (sight, taste, smell, feeling and hearing) to note characteristics QUALITATIVE  QUALITY EXAMPLES: odor, color, state of matter

22 QUANTITATIVE OBSERVATIONS Quantitative Observations are characteristics than can be measured QUANTITATIVE  QUANTITY (or amount) Examples: density, mass, boiling point, melting point, length

23 COLLABORATIVE ACTIVITIES We are going to practice collaboration

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