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Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Course on Coping with Drought Monitoring Drought Module III - Lesson 2 Lesson 2: Can we predict drought occurrence?

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Presentation on theme: "Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Course on Coping with Drought Monitoring Drought Module III - Lesson 2 Lesson 2: Can we predict drought occurrence?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Course on Coping with Drought Monitoring Drought Module III - Lesson 2 Lesson 2: Can we predict drought occurrence? There are 4 questions in this exercise in multiple choice format. Answer by clicking on one of the red letters (A, B, C, Or D). You will get a feedback to your response. Click on the or button placed on the screen. Next

2 Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Course on Coping with Drought Monitoring Drought Module III - Lesson 2 Lesson 2: Can we predict drought occurrence? 1. We are in the infancy of drought forecasting. A. True A B. FalseB Next

3 Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Course on Coping with Drought Monitoring Drought Module III - Lesson 2 Lesson 2: Can we predict drought occurrence? 2. Drought is difficult to predict because A. there are no good equipment to measure drought.A BB. drought occurs very rarely. CC. it is difficult to know its beginning or end. DD. rainfall is always erratic. Next

4 Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Course on Coping with Drought Monitoring Drought Module III - Lesson 2 Lesson 2: Can we predict drought occurrence? 3. Drought indicators are same from one place to another. AA. True BB. False Next

5 Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Course on Coping with Drought Monitoring Drought Module III - Lesson 2 Lesson 2: Can we predict drought occurrence? 4. Drought planners use ------- to forecast drought. AA. rainfall data BB. drought indices CC. temperature data DD. nearness to desert Next

6 Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Course on Coping with Drought Monitoring Drought Module III - Lesson 2 Lesson 2: Can we predict drought occurrence? Thank you for completing this exercise. Now you may review this Module 3 or select the next module i.e. Module 4 by clicking the menu bar at the top of the screen after clicking on the “Exit” button given below. Exit

7 Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Course on Coping with Drought Monitoring Drought Module III - Lesson 2 Lesson 2: Can we predict drought occurrence? Your answer is not correct. Elders may tell about the weather based on their experience but not based on the scientific principles. The correct answer is: Weather is predicted by collecting data on weather elements.

8 Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Course on Coping with Drought Monitoring Drought Module III - Lesson 2 Lesson 2: Can we predict drought occurrence? Your answer is correct. Weather is predicted by collecting data on weather elements.

9 Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Course on Coping with Drought Monitoring Drought Module III - Lesson 2 Lesson 2: Can we predict drought occurrence? Your are right. It is true that scientists are still not able to predict drought accurately.

10 Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Course on Coping with Drought Monitoring Drought Module III - Lesson 2 Lesson 2: Can we predict drought occurrence? Your answer not correct. The correct answer is: It is true that scientists are still not able to predict drought accurately.

11 Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Course on Coping with Drought Monitoring Drought Module III - Lesson 2 Lesson 2: Can we predict drought occurrence? Your are right. Drought is difficult to predict because it is difficult to know its beginning or end.

12 Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Course on Coping with Drought Monitoring Drought Module III - Lesson 2 Lesson 2: Can we predict drought occurrence? Your answer is not correct. The correct answer is: Drought is difficult to predict because it is difficult to know its beginning or end.

13 Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Course on Coping with Drought Monitoring Drought Module III - Lesson 2 Lesson 2: Can we predict drought occurrence? Your are right. The drought varies from place to place, so the indictors will be specific to each area.

14 Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Course on Coping with Drought Monitoring Drought Module III - Lesson 2 Lesson 2: Can we predict drought occurrence? Your answer is not correct. Because droughts differ from one area to another, the indicators that we measure will depend on the area we are monitoring. The correct answer is: It is false to assume that the drought indicators are same from one place to another.

15 Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Course on Coping with Drought Monitoring Drought Module III - Lesson 2 Lesson 2: Can we predict drought occurrence? You are right. Its is difficult to predict weather accurately.

16 Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Course on Coping with Drought Monitoring Drought Module III - Lesson 2 Lesson 2: Can we predict drought occurrence? Your answer is not correct. As weather is not static even over short spells of time, it is false to assume that weather prediction could be very accurate even with the best equipment and very good expertise. The correct answer is: Its is difficult to predict weather accurately.

17 Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Course on Coping with Drought Monitoring Drought Module III - Lesson 2 Lesson 2: Can we predict drought occurrence? You are right. Drought planners use certain drought indices to forecast drought.

18 Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Course on Coping with Drought Monitoring Drought Module III - Lesson 2 Lesson 2: Can we predict drought occurrence? Your answer is not correct. Rainfall and temperature data directly is not useful to predict drought. But these data are required to develop drought indices using certain calculations. The correct answer is: Drought planners use certain drought indices to forecast drought.

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