VSD+ PROPS Luc Bonten, Janet Mol, Wieger Wamelink, Gert Jan Reinds, Jan-Cees Voogd.

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Presentation on theme: "VSD+ PROPS Luc Bonten, Janet Mol, Wieger Wamelink, Gert Jan Reinds, Jan-Cees Voogd."— Presentation transcript:

1 VSD+ PROPS Luc Bonten, Janet Mol, Wieger Wamelink, Gert Jan Reinds, Jan-Cees Voogd

2 Contents  VSD+, what is new  PROPS ● What is PROPS ● Extension of number of species in PROPS ● Limit number of species in PROPS calculations  VSD+ PROPS

3 What is new in VSD+  option for calcareous soils ● no Ca and Mg weathering ● no cation exchange ● new parameter: parentCa (<0 for non-calcareous, 1 for CaCO 3, 0 for MgCO 3 )  new organic C model: RothC ● N mineralisation linked to C turnover ● new parameters: o rfmiR (also in MetHyd o QIlf (0.25 for forest, 0.67 for grassland)

4 1. What is PROPS PROPS  model that calculates the chance (probability) that a plant species is present  based on measurable abiotic conditions Derived from:  relevés with simultaneously measured abiotic conditions (N, pH)  climate data

5 Relevés with abiotic measurements  4596 relevés in Netherlands, Austria and Ireland  pH and N (N-total, C/N ratio and/or NO 3 )  519 species that were found ≥ 25 relevés

6 Relevés with measurements of abiotic conditions

7 Response functions 2 dimensional response functions:  pH  N (N-total, CN, NO 3 ) logit(y) = α + β 1 pH + β 2 N + γ 1 pH 2 + γ 2 N 2 + δpH·N probability = 1/(1+exp(-logit(y))

8 Fitting of response functions

9 Example: Atriplex prostrata

10 Example: Calluna vulgaris

11 Results Number of plant species with response functions  pH + N-total:406  pH + CN ratio:330  pH + NO 3 :146

12 2. Extension number of species Problem:  only few relevés where abiotic conditions have been measured  response functions for few species  how to get abiotic conditions for other relevés? Datasets:  ‘Abiotic’ dataset: ± 4600 relevés with measurements of abiotic conditions  Bioscore dataset: ± 430,000 relevés without abiotic conditions

13 Bioscore dataset

14 methodology to include more species in PROPS  2 step approach: Step 1. estimate abiotic conditions based on presence of plant species with known response functions Step 2. derive response functions based on estimated abiotic conditions

15 relevé Sp1 Sp6 SP20 Sp78 Sp145 Sp221 Sp456 estimation of abiotic conditions ‘Abiotic’ dataset (± 400 species, response for pH and N) Sp1 Sp2 | Spn Bioscore dataset (430,000 relevés, ± 4,000 species) Sp1 Sp2 | Spx relevé Sp1 Sp6 SP20 Sp78 Sp145 Sp221 Sp456 species that in Bioscore with response functions in ‘Abiotic’ dataset estimate pH and N from species with response functions (at least 5 species from ‘abiotic’ dataset)

16 estimation of abiotic conditions

17 Bioscore dataset with abiotic conditions

18 Validation

19 Fitting response functions 4 dimensional response functions:  pH  N  temperature  precipitation

20 Results Number of plant species with response functions ‘abiotic’ database  pH + N-total:406  pH + CN ratio:330  pH + NO 3 :146 Bioscore database  pH + N-total:2306  pH + CN ratio:2309  pH + NO 3 :1781

21 3. Preselect species in PROPS calculations  2300 species with response functions  a-priori selection of species is required  EUNIS classification is used in M&M work  species selection related to EUNIS

22  overlay of EUNIS map (level 2; e.g. B1) with Map for the Natural Vegetation for Europe.  this gives per level 2 EUNIS class all possible vegetation types  combine overlay with list of Level 3 EUNIS classes (e.g. B1.1)  Wieger screened the remaining 7000 (!) combinations Step 1:Overlaying

23 Step 2: species assignment  For each unit of the EuroVegMap units we got a list of typical/relevant species  These can be linked to the PROPS list

24 In VSD+Studio it is implemented as follows:


26 Species options

27 Summary PROPS  response functions (pH, N, T, prec.) for 2300 species  a-priori selection of species based on vegetation type  relatively few species for Scandinavia, Iberic peninsula, south-east of Europe

28 Thanks (VSD+ PROPS training session on wednesday afternoon)

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