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Training: Data Analysis By: Mercy Aycart, South Miami Senior High.

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Presentation on theme: "Training: Data Analysis By: Mercy Aycart, South Miami Senior High."— Presentation transcript:

1 Training: Data Analysis By: Mercy Aycart, South Miami Senior High

2 How do I create an excel document that compares student performance on baseline vs. interim assessments?

3 PART I: Gathering Data From Edusoft

4 1.Click on Benchmark Exam Tab 2.Click on Reports Icon 3.Click on Reports Link

5 1.Click on Report Builder

6 1.Click on Start to Create New Report

7 1.Select folders, where tests are located in 2.Click on specific exams that you would like to compare. 3.List of selected tests will appear at bottom of screen.

8 1.You will check the boxes of the test you are comparing.

9 1.Choose scores to display: -Overall assessment -Other (standards) 2. Order columns by? - select standards then test, so you can compare performance by standards 3. Choose score types -Select % correct 4. Choose which students to include: - Select only include students who have scores for at least one of the selected exams

10 1.Choose periods: - Select ONE period at a time 2.Report layout: - Select individual student 3.Choose student information columns to show - Select what you would like to be included in report - Suggest ONLY full name

11 1.Check the box for the specific periods.

12 1.Click View/Save in Excel 2.File Download box pops open, click on save 3.Select location and write in file name. 4.Click Open. (Excel File will open in separate screen.

13 PART II: Modifying Excel Document to Display Data

14 1.Highlight rows 10 -11 2.Click Wrap Text

15 1.Highlight the columns containing the benchmarks that were not taught during the nine weeks. 2.Right click and click delete 3.Delete screen pops up, click shift cells left 4.Continue steps 1-3 to remove any benchmarks

16 1.Format document -Remove titles and replace with new title -Abbreviate interim and baseline -Delete extra rows to make space 2.Save file 3.Print file

17 How do I analyze a test to find misconceptions and target my instruction?

18 FOR BENCHMARK EXAMS 1.Select the tab “Benchmark Exams” -Benchmark Exams: District/School Created 2.Click on “Item Analysis” 3.Click on “Item Response Report”

19 1.Select the assessment you want to report on 2.First find the folder 3.Then select the assessment 4.Click Continue

20 1.Create one report for: -Select Each Period 2.Sort the report by: -Select Student Last Name 3.Sort questions by: -Numeric Order -Grouped By Question Group -Grouped By Standard 4.Choose Highlighting -Set threshold level. 5. Click continue

21 1.Choose All Periods or select specific periods 2.Click continue


23 How do I analyze this report? -Overall % Correct by Student -Highlights question which students scored below threshold -List correct answer -Highlights in BLUE the most commonly answered choice = misconception How does it help? -Verify validity of test question -Identify teaching misconceptions and address them with students

24 FOR TEACHER CREATED TESTS 1.Select the tab “Teacher Tools” 2.Click on “Tools and Analysis” 3.Click on “Item Response Report” 4.Follow the same steps as before (slides 18-22)

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