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Programming Languages by Ravi Sethi Chapter 6: Groupings of Data and Operations.

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1 Programming Languages by Ravi Sethi Chapter 6: Groupings of Data and Operations

2 Constructs for Program Structuring n The programming with Procedures Modules Classes

3 Procedures n Raising the level of a Computation n Program design with Procedures Behavior Implementation

4 –Behavior In general the behavior of a construct is what is observable from outside the c onstruct Define procedure corresponding to what an algorithm does –Implementation The part that is accessible only from within that construct Hide the details of an algorithm in the procedure body

5 Example n The evaluation of expression (512 - 487) * 2; It can be partitioned into Scanning l Scanning or Lexical analysis groups individual characters into tokens Parsing l Parsing or Syntax analysis uses the syntactic structure of the expression to determine its value.

6 CHARACTER STREAM (512 - 487) * 2; TOKEN STREAM EXPRESSION VALUE Scanner Parser 50 lparen number 512 minus number 487 rparen times number 2 semicolon

7 Modules n A module is a collection of declarations, including both variables and procedures n A module serves as a black box with which the rest of the program interacts through an interface n Program design with Module Role Interface Implementation

8 – Role Modules are usually organized around data. If an operation affects some data, then the operation and the data may belong together in a module – Interface A subset of the declaration in the module Contain types, variables, and procedures The procedures in the interface determine the behavior of the module

9 – Implementation Consist of everything else about the module, including the code for procedures and for initialization Hide design decision in the private part of a module

10 Figure 6.2 Public and private view of two modules

11 Classes : User-defined data type n Design types corresponding to what the program manipulates n A term class is an abbreviation of “class of objects” n An object is a run-time entity with data on which operations can be performed

12 Comparison of Procedures, Modules and Classes n Serve distinct needs n can be used in combination with each other n procedures - needed to implement operations in a module or class n module - used to statically partition the source text of program with classes n differences in not in activity (the procedures)but in the organization

13 Procedures n Define all the details n all the representation is known throughout the program n entries are represented as a pointer to a record containing the data

14 Modules n Hide the representation n provide public operations n advantage over procedures is that the representation is hidden and access is checked n hiding and checking contribute to feel of entries as object rather than pointers

15 Defined Types n As with modules, the representation is hidden, access is checked n in addition, objects are initialized upon creation

16 Program Organization n Procedures at the same level –a sequence of useful procedures –procedures can call each other Figure 6.6

17 n Nested procedures –An attempt to manage programs with many procedures –The idea is to declare a procedure inside another –To declare functions close to where they are used Figure 6.7

18 n Modules –a collection of data and related actions –a grouping of declarations, which can include types, variables, and procedures Figure 6.8


20 6.5 CLASS DECLARATIONS IN C++ n C++: User-defined types receive the same support as built-in types. n Classes = generalization of records called structures (grouping of data). n Both data and functions can be structure members. n Variables can be declared and objects created in C++ classes.

21 STRUCTURE OR CLASS n Structure vs. Class = Public vs. Private n All members of a structure are public. n All members of a class are private. n Take note: These are by default!!!! n A structure is a special case of a class of the same name.

22 DECLARATION n Keyword: struct n Declarations enclosed in braces {}. n Declarations in braces are members.

23 SAMPLE CODE struct Stack{ int top; char elements[101]; char pop( ); void push (char); Stack ( ); }; n 2 variables –top- data member that holds an integer –elements- data member that holds an array of characters n 3 functions –pop- takes no parameter and returns a character –push- takes character and returns nothing –Stack- constructor

24 Constructors & Destructors n Stack ( ); n …………………….. n ~Stack ( ); n Constructors and destructors are parameterless functions. n Same name as class. n Called automatically: –constructors initialize –destructors clean up

25 MEMBER NAMES AND FUNCTION CODE struct Stack{ int top; char elements[101]; char pop( ); void push (char); Stack ( ) { top = 0; } }; char Stack::pop ( ); top = top - 1; return elements[top+1]; } void Stack::push (char c) { top = top + 1; elements[top] = c; } n Full member name: :: –full names needed to make explicit that belong to class if used outside of class declaration n If class name is known from context, use only the member name.

26 CLASS NAMES AS DEFINED TYPES #include main( ) { Stack s; s.push(‘!’); s.push(‘@’); s.push(‘#”); printf(“%c %c %c\n”, s.pop( ), s.pop( ), s.pop( )); } n After declared, a class name can be used to declare variables. n Dot notation refers to members of an object. n C struct Complex x; n C++ Complex x;

27 INITIALIZATION WITH PARAMETERS struct Complex { float re; float im; Complex(float r, i) {re =r; im = i; } }; ……………………….. Complex x(1, 2) n Initialization of constructor may require passing of parameters. n Here declaration takes 2 parameters. n Declares and initializes complex # x to the parameters in ( ).

28 OVERLOADED FUNCTION NAMES struct Complex { float re; float im; Complex(float r) {re = r; im = 0; } Complex(float r, i) {re =r; im = i; } }; n Functions can be overloaded (including constructors). n Must differ by number and/or type of parameters in call.

29 ACCESSIBITLITY: PUBLIC, PRIVATE, PROTECTED n Privacy and access class based. n Access to members restricted through keywords (apply to outside class: in class have access to all objects in same class). n Public members are accessible to outside code. n Private members are accessible to member functions in the class declaration. Accessible to all objects of class. n Protected members like private members except for derived classes, visible through inheritance to derived classes.

30 PUBLIC vs. PRIVATE Class Stack { public: Stack ( ); char pop( ); void push(char); private: int top; char elements[101]; }; n Here the member variables are hidden (private). n By default: –struct = public –class = private

31 6.6 DYNAMIC ALLOCATION IN C++ n Three ways to create objects in C++: –variable declarations –dynamically through new –as static objects

32 NEW, DELETE n new T; n delete p; n Objects created by new exist until destroyed by delete. n New creates object of type T and returns pointer. n Delete destroys object pointed to.

33 POINTERS TO OBJECTS n Prefix * is a pointer-deferencing operator. n Cell * p; reads as “we get an object of type cell when we apply * to p.” n Summary of pointer notations: –p->info = member info of object pointed to by p. –0 = null pointer, pointing to no object. –this = used within member functions to point to this object itself.

34 DYNAMIC ALLOCATION USING CONSTRUCTORS AND DESTRUCTORS Class Stack { int top; char * elements; int size; public: void push(char); char pop( ); Stack (int); ~Stack( ); }; n Here the size of the array is a parameter. n Since dynamically allocated storage is taken off the heap it needs a destructor to explicitly deallocate (release) it.

35 CELLS AND LINKED LISTS class Cell { int info; Cell * next; Cell(int I) {info = I; next = this;} Cell(int I, Cell*n) {info = I; next = n;} friend class List; }; n Friends –friend declaration within a class gives nonmember functions access to private members of the class n Cell constructors –empty list is a cell that points to itself –new Cell c(0) or –next = this

36 LINKED LISTS class List { Cell * rear; public: void put(int); void push(int); int pop( ); int empty( ) {return rear == rear->next; } List( ) {rear = new Cell(0);} ~List( ) {while(!empty( )) pop( );} }; n Uses constructors from class Cell (because of friend declaration) n Initializes new list (circularly linked cell) n push adds to front n put adds to back n pop returns value of front and deletes cell

37 6.7 TEMPLATES: PARAMETERIZED TYPES n Data structures are containers that hold objects. n Operations on a container can be defined for any type. n Type parameters denote the type of element in the container. –Template

38 6.8 IMPLEMENTATION OF OBJECTS IN C++ n Objects laid out like records. (class = structure containing data members) n Pointers used to access indirectly. n Functions can be expanded in-line to reduce function call overhead. n Class declaration assists with checking restrictions and in-line expansion at compile time.

39 Take you C assignment and translate it directly into C++ using “BIN” objects. See page 246 in PL book for stack object example. Due 10/12/2000

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