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高中进阶 (2277 期 20150922) 4~5 版 Online Learning Thrives in China.

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1 高中进阶 (2277 期 20150922) 4~5 版 Online Learning Thrives in China

2 What is your understanding of higher education? What do you think higher education can bring to you? What is your understanding of higher education? What do you think higher education can bring to you? Would you turn to MOOCs for after-school tutorial services or higher education? Why or why not? Would you turn to MOOCs for after-school tutorial services or higher education? Why or why not? 2 Pre-reading

3 True or false: 3 SCAN AND ANSWER 1. According to the article, nearly seven million students took part in this year’s gaokao. 2. MOOCs offer free courses but charges for certificates upon completion of courses. 3. The article did not mention the person who initiated the project of MOOCs. 4. In China, Wan Men University has more registered users than Coursera. Pre-reading

4 4 conventional adj. 传统的 prospect n. 前景 option n. 选择,可选择的事物 WORD BANK But some young Chinese have seen weaknesses in conventional higher education— a rigid style of teaching,... and dim job prospects for many graduates. A small but growing number of students are considering options online. While reading dim adj. 不明朗的,不乐观的 rigid adj. 死板的,一成不变的

5 5 Typically, MOOCs offer students free access to instructional videos but charge for certificates showing satisfactory completion of coursework. WORD BANK While reading access n. 使用的机会、权利 satisfactory adj. 令人满意的 completion n. 完成,结束 certificate n. 证明,结业证书 instructional adj. 教学用的

6 ... the Chinese approach to higher education was too inflexible. Tong’s 15-minute videos are all prepared by professional teachers whose delivery is livelier than... These videos have won a large number of favorable comments. WORD BANK While reading approach n. 方式,方法 delivery adj. (上课)风格、方式 favorable n. 肯定的,赞同的 lively n. 活跃热情的 inflexible adj. 死板的 favorable comment 好评

7 7 1. Shanghai has grown into a modern, __________ metropolis of more than 23 million residents. 2. The small island is ___________ only by boat. 3. Chemistry is ___________ at this school. 4. How do you usually judge the character of a ____________ employee? 5. Are you in __________ of a ​ ban on ​ smoking? Choose an appropriate word for each sentence and fill in the blank with its proper form. thriving accessible optional prospective favor thrive favorable prospect access option VOCABULARY EXERCISES While reading

8 8 Translate the following sentences into English. 1. 近年来,中医越来越受人喜欢。 (popularity) 2. 这种新风尚不受青年人喜欢。 (catch on) 3. 这家公司能轻松地适应不断变化的需求。 (adapt) 4. 不论你喜不喜欢,你都得要学习英语。 (whether) Traditional Chinese Medicine has gained in popularity over the last few years. Whether you like it or not, you have to learn English. The new fashion didn’t catch on with teenagers. The company can easily adapt to changing demand. VOCABULARY EXERCISES While reading

9 1. The main idea of the article is _______. A. Young Chinese don’t like conventional styles of higher education. B. MOOCs provide a more ideal alternative to conventional higher education. C. Online education like MOOCs is becoming more and more popular in China. D. Traditional institutions must adapt themselves to the trend of online education. 9 While reading COMPREHENSION Choose the best answer.

10 10 2. All the following statements about Tong Zhe are true except ______. A. Tong founded Wan Men University in 2011. B. Tong used to be a physics teacher in university. C. Tong has a negative opinion of conventional education styles. D. Beijing is where Tong went to university and now works. While reading COMPREHENSION Choose the best answer.

11 3. The author believes that online education is set to ______ in China. A. become a trend B. change with the times C. decline in popularity D. adapt to students’ needs 11 While reading COMPREHENSION Choose the best answer.

12 1. According to the article, why are more and more students turning to the Internet for their higher education? Because they have seen weaknesses in conventional higher education such as rigid styles of teaching, courses they don’t enjoy, the rising cost and dim job prospects. 12 Answer the following question. While reading COMPREHENSION

13 2. Why does the author think China’s shift toward online education is inevitable? Because today’s children are more comfortable with online learning programs. They can find the teaching style that suits them best here. 13 Answer the following question. While reading COMPREHENSION

14 Tong’s 15-minute videos are all prepared by professional teachers whose delivery is livelier than what is usually experienced in university lecture halls. ☞ whose 是一个常用的引导定语从句的关系词,它引导的 定语从句既可以修饰人(作 who 的所有格,相当于 of whom ),也可以修饰物(作 which 的所有格,相当于 of which )。 e.g: The girl whose mother is a teacher studies very hard. The house whose door is painted red belongs to the Browns. 14 GRAMMAR TIP Language study

15 15 Translate the following sentences into English. YOUR TURN Language study 1. 我们居住在一幢窗户朝东开的房子里。 2. 这本词典是给母语是汉语的儿童用的。 3. 那本封面丢了的书是我的。 4. 金先生的腿受了重伤,很快就被送到医院去了。 We live in a house whose windows open to the east. Mr. Jin, whose legs were badly injured, was soon sent to hospital. This dictionary is for children whose native language is Chinese. The book whose cover is missing is mine.

16 Would you prefer conventional teaching styles or more flexible teaching styles (like MOOCs)? Why? 16 Question for further discussion: Hints: Well, I prefer a more conventional teaching style. Teachers are usually clearer and more systematic when they teach in a conventional style. After reading I think it is boring to be taught in a conventional style. I prefer a more flexible teaching style. We can do more experiments and have more discussions in class.

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