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Local Authorities, young people with additional needs and the LSC transfer : Better long term outcomes….

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Presentation on theme: "Local Authorities, young people with additional needs and the LSC transfer : Better long term outcomes…."— Presentation transcript:

1 Local Authorities, young people with additional needs and the LSC transfer : Better long term outcomes….

2 Why is the go What is React? learning? Funded by the DCSF, React is a small team based within the Local Government Association The team supports local authorities in building capacity to ensure the smooth transfer of commissioning & funding from the LSC

3 Children’s Services Integration Migration of responsibility of all services for children & young people to the DSCF and LAs 0-25.. and beyond Transfer of Connexions Transfer of LSC roles New roles for LAs / YPLA / ISPs

4 Tasks for LAs Commissioning provision for young people with additional needs in school sixth forms, colleges and from other providers – including additional learning support – > 19 ; > 25; discuss 25+ Seamless transition for those on school action / school action plus / or with statements Cross border tracking of those with more complex needs Integrate pre and post 16 assessment

5 Tasks for LAs Act as host commissioner for ISPs and other specialist providers Make placement decisions for those with most complex needs Manage transitions 11/14/16/18/21/25 > Focus on the long term outcomes Share and spread the cost through the children’s trust and adult services

6 Tasks for LAs Ensure access for young people with additional needs to the 14-19 curriculum Challenge the idea that young people with additional needs can’t get work Reform Children’s Trust and 14-19 Partnership Build on the expertise and skills on specialist providers, broadening their use Get ready for the RPA Unite SEN / LLDD worlds

7 Tasks for ISPs Build good links with your host LA Demand access to the children’s trust/ 14-19 partnership – but how this happens will vary Engage in a broader discussion than traditionally held with the LSC Promote and develop your specialism Focus on best quality Reduce costs – shared services?

8 Tasks for the YPLA & LAs Ensure national coherence and equity, avoiding a post code lottery Rigorous focus on long term outcomes Develop a good relationship with SFA Performance management Fund and organise development and CPD Cost effective provision Join at the hip and keep it that way

9 And finally, for us all Be patient – this change will take time to sort Work together, providing solutions to a broader range of issues Challenge assumptions about achievement, raising aspiration Celebrate success and spread good practice Don’t ever let anyone divide responsibilities for vulnerable young people again

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