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Growth through Innovation Regional Policy Director – Preben Gregersen MA for Structural Funds in Denmark Danish Enterprise and Construction Authority Ministry.

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Presentation on theme: "Growth through Innovation Regional Policy Director – Preben Gregersen MA for Structural Funds in Denmark Danish Enterprise and Construction Authority Ministry."— Presentation transcript:

1 Growth through Innovation Regional Policy Director – Preben Gregersen MA for Structural Funds in Denmark Danish Enterprise and Construction Authority Ministry of Economic and Business Affairs

2 What have I got myself into…?  Google (Sept. 09):  1.250.000 for “restoring growth through innovation”  103.000.000 for “innovation”  599.000.000 for “sex”………  "Innovation cannot be organised by decree. It comes from people, and only people — scientists, researchers, entrepreneurs and their employees, investors, consumers and public authorities — will make Europe more innovative. But they do not act in a vacuum. They act with a mindset and in a framework which either discourages or incites them to enter unknown territories." Vice President Verheugen

3 ”Beyond the hype”…  1. Strengthen fundamentals…  2. Facilitate the diffusion of new tech./IT…  3. Foster innovation…  4. Invest in human capital…  5. Stimulate firm creation/entrepreneurship…  None of the five broad areas can be taken in isolation, but as part of a mutually reinforcing package of measures for … growth.  New technology is one factor, but its role should not be exaggerated…  (OECD 2001)

4 Re-launch of Lisbon  …it is essential to re-launch the Lisbon Strategy without delay and re-focus priorities on growth and employment.  Europe must renew the basis of its competitiveness, increase its growth potential and its productivity…. …placing the main emphasis on knowledge, innovation and the optimisation of human capital…

5 1080-, 1081-, 1082-, 1083/2006… …Hmm…  OP framework in 1083 article 37  The convergence menu in 1080 article 4  The ERDF competitiveness and…menu  In 1080 article 5  Links to art. 4  1083 Article 37.3…4  1080 art. 8  1080 art 10…11  1081 art 3 – the ESF menu  Art 7 !  Art 8 ?

6 The Lisbon Strategy Community’s strategic guidelines Commission’s integrated guidelines National Reform Programme DK Globalisation Strategy Danish Strategic RF OP - Programmes Regional dev. strategies and action plans

7 DK-NSRF for ERDF & ESF Innovation and Knowledge More and Better Jobs Development of human resources Establishment and development of new enterprises Innovation, knowledge sharing and knowledge building Utilisation of new technology Areas facing structural difficulties, urban areas and rural areas Environmental policy Equal opportunity policy Employment policy

8 Regional strategy for growth  Regional strategy targeting real regional capacities…  Stable macroeconomic policies, well-functioning markets, openness to trade, investments and ideas, positive general framework conditions etc. are fundamentals – but shall and can not be core to regional and local strategic attention…  Regional competitiveness/productivity and growth shall depend on regional capacity for “the drivers of regional growth”…e.g. innovation-capacity in a broader sense…

9 Focus in regional policy and on regional innovation capacity… …calls for regional strategic …targets… …choices… …priorities… …measures… …criteria… …effects…  Implementing the reforms will require strong political leadership  …Implementing reforms to foster innovation may also prove difficult. Some og the required reforms may affect vested interests such as in universities and scientific institutes, as well as business, sheltered from competition, benefiting from public support, or confronted with…structural change… OECD 2007

10 R&D-driven and/or “non-technological” innovation  Competing on innovation is not only a question of competing on R&D investment  Policies have focused on technology-centred innovation…  …but includes strongly non- technological innovation eg.:  user-driven innovation  (employee-driven inno)  incl. design, logistics  “experience” economy  etc. ~ ~ time

11 Some ”tools” 1 Education and Qualification (e.g. Business related PhD’s) 2 Innovative networks/clusters and matchmaking 3 Venture Capital – (e.g. Vækstfonden) etc. 4 Science Parks and Growth Environments (e.g. Symbion, CAT, Scion DTU) 3. Commercialization (e.g. Tech-Trans Units) 4. Knowledge and Counselling (e.g. GTS – Advanced Technology Group) 5. Funds in Support of Innovation (e.g. Programme for Userdriven Innovation, Innovation Networks, ppp) 6. Structural Funds (if focussed…) 7. EU-framework programmes (7th etc.) A. Typicals: …cross-cutting use of knowledge etc B. Please: EU-competition- and procurement rules !

12 Innovative Projects – and (EU) Funds  One last point for bureaucrats: on regulations and implementation rules and approach to/kontrol of cost-documentation: partnership-/internal costs indirect/knowledge cost

13 Thank you for your attention

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