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1-3 Square Roots Warm Up Lesson Presentation Lesson Quiz

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1 1-3 Square Roots Warm Up Lesson Presentation Lesson Quiz
Holt McDougal Algebra 2

2 Opener-SAME SHEET-3/21 Round to the nearest tenth. 1. 3.14 2. 1.97
Find each square root. Write each fraction in simplest form. Simplify. 3.1 2.0 4 25

3 Graph Paper Squares On graph paper, make squares that have sides lengths, 1-15. Calculate the area, then find the square root

4 Website

5 Objectives Estimate square roots.
Simplify, add, subtract, multiply, and divide square roots.

6 Vocabulary radical symbol radicand principal root
rationalize the denominator like radical terms

7 The side length of a square is the square root of its area
The side length of a square is the square root of its area. This relationship is shown by a radical symbol The number or expression under the radical symbol is called the radicand. The radical symbol indicates only the positive square root of a number, called the principal root. To indicate both the positive and negative square roots of a number, use the plus or minus sign (±). or –5

8 Numbers such as 25 that have integer square roots are called perfect squares. Square roots of integers that are not perfect squares are irrational numbers. You can estimate the value of these square roots by comparing them with perfect squares. For example, lies between and , so it lies between 2 and 3.

9 Example 1: Estimating Square Roots
Estimate to the nearest tenth. Check On a calculator ≈ ≈ 5.1 rounded to the nearest tenth.

10 Estimate to the nearest tenth.
Check It Out! Example 1 Estimate to the nearest tenth. Check On a calculator ≈ – ≈ –7.4 rounded to the nearest tenth.

11 Number Line Place your sticky note in between the two whole numbers.

12 Reteach(4-6)


14 Square roots have special properties that help you simplify, multiply, and divide them.


16 Notice that these properties can be used to combine quantities under the radical symbol or separate them for the purpose of simplifying square-root expressions. A square-root expression is in simplest form when the radicand has no perfect-square factors (except 1) and there are no radicals in the denominator.

17 Example 2: Simplifying Square–Root Expressions
Simplify each expression. A. B. D. C.

18 Check It Out! Example 2 Simplify each expression. A. B. C. D.

19 6.7 Opener-SAME SHEET-3/22 1. Estimate to the nearest tenth.
Simplify each expression. 2. 3. 4. 5.



22 I have, Who has?

23 If a fraction has a denominator that is a square root, you can simplify it by rationalizing the denominator. To do this, multiply both the numerator and denominator by a number that produces a perfect square under the radical sign in the denominator.

24 Example 3A: Rationalizing the Denominator
Simplify by rationalizing the denominator.

25 Square roots that have the same radicand are called like radical terms.
To add or subtract square roots, first simplify each radical term and then combine like radical terms by adding or subtracting their coefficients.

26 Example 4A: Adding and Subtracting Square Roots

27 Opener-SAME SHEET-3/25 Simplify by rationalizing each denominator. 6. 7. Add or subtract. 8. 9.

28 Wkst



31 Quiz

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