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If the church wants to have a good committee, it is recommended that it gives attention to its time of service, since constant changes can alter the coordination.

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2 If the church wants to have a good committee, it is recommended that it gives attention to its time of service, since constant changes can alter the coordination of the stewardship plan contained in this instructive. Even when it is established in this document that the majority of the members that form part of the committee is already church leaders and members of the church board, the criteria that is applied in general to the election process of any church leader is set forth.

3 This committee is a supporting organization. The Church Manual establishes: “The term of office for officers of both the church and its auxiliary organizations shall be one year, except where the church in a business meeting votes to have elections every two years in order to facilitate continuity and development of spiritual gifts.” (Church Manual, pages 64-65. “All officers shall set an example in the matter of returning a faithful tithe to the Church. Anyone who fails to set such an example shall not be elected to church office.” (Church Manual, p. 64)

4 1. First Elder or Director of the church: President 2. Stewardship Director: Secretary 3. Church Treasurer 4. Church Secretary 5. Sabbath School Director 6. Head Deacon 7. Growth Cell or Small Group leader or regular church member

5 “God has a church, and she has a divinely appointed ministry…men appointed of God have been chosen to watch with jealous care, with vigilant perseverance.” (Testimonies for ministers and gospel workers, p. 52) To carry out the initiatives that pursue church growth over which the Lord has placed them as spiritual leaders. Due to this “divinely appointed ministry”, in the context of this stewardship plan, the pastor performs the following roles:

6 The pastor will act as general coordinator of the Stewardship and Finance Committee of all the churches in his district. His role as coordinator will allow him to organize and direct the Stewardship Council which should help every three months with all the Stewardship and Finance Committees in his district plus all the Visitation Committees. Page 20, of the Church Manual establishes: “That pastors should instruct the officers in their duties and plan with them for all lines of church work and activity.”

7 Since “the pastor should be the congregation’s spiritual leader and adviser.” (Church Manual, p. 20), he must make sure to give specific follow-up to the strategies that the instructive recommends for the spiritual development of each church member. We put this role separately with the purpose of emphasizing its importance, because spirituality is the basis of complete faithfulness. His task as counselor extends to all aspects related to this stewardship plan aimed towards the local church.

8 This stewardship plan has the versatility that it can be undertaken and launched by the church board of the local church or any interested entity. However, due to the two roles described before, it is necessary that the pastor assumes the leadership to give the initial instruction that precedes the launching of the plan. Due to this, the complete content of this Instructive has been prepared in various PowerPoint seminars, the same ones that the pastor will use along with the material written to instruct the church boards of his district, acting as a trainer of the implementers of the plan.

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