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Computed Tomography By Timothy Lindis. History of CT Invented 1972 British Engineer Godfrey Hounsfield and Allan Cormack Hounsfield awarded Nobel prize.

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Presentation on theme: "Computed Tomography By Timothy Lindis. History of CT Invented 1972 British Engineer Godfrey Hounsfield and Allan Cormack Hounsfield awarded Nobel prize."— Presentation transcript:

1 Computed Tomography By Timothy Lindis

2 History of CT Invented 1972 British Engineer Godfrey Hounsfield and Allan Cormack Hounsfield awarded Nobel prize Hounsfield also knighted in Britain

3 Cont. 1 st model dedicated to heads only 1974 first machines put into use 1976 whole body scans put into use Widely available in 1980 30,000 now installed worldwide

4 How the First CT Scanner Worked Person sat down in chair and head placed in machine Radiation to head Several hours to acquire data Two days to reconstruct image Improved greatly over the years Whole process takes only 5-10 seconds now

5 X-ray vs CT Scan X-Ray is 2D picture CT Scan is a 3D image Can view hole picture of organ Can examine organ slice by slice

6 How a CT Scan Works Person lays down on table Table gets put through machine “donut” X-rays circle the body The X-rays bounce back to a scanner Scanner begins to develop an image

7 Cont Image is then processed and put onto computer Image can be moved around Can zoom in and out

8 Typically Scanned Body Parts Brain Heart and blood vessels Head and face including sinuses Chest, stomach, and pelvic area Spine, bones and joints

9 What is looked for in CT scans Cancer Abnormalities Problems with organs Brain damage

10 Bibliography ices/ct-scan/overview ices/ct-scan/overview emittingproducts/radiationemittingproductsa ndprocedures/medicalimaging/medicalx- rays/ucm115318.htm emittingproducts/radiationemittingproductsa ndprocedures/medicalimaging/medicalx- rays/ucm115318.htm

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