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Educator Evaluation Information Edward Everett School Laura Miceli, Principal September 24, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Educator Evaluation Information Edward Everett School Laura Miceli, Principal September 24, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Educator Evaluation Information Edward Everett School Laura Miceli, Principal September 24, 2014

2 Educator Evaluation System The Educator Evaluation System is where teachers and principals record the evaluation information including, self-assessment, goals, action plans, observations, artifacts, and assessments/evaluations. Teacher Evaluation & Specialist Rubrics

3 Professional Learning Cycle: Next Steps School-wide Analysis & Goal-Setting Self- Assessment Set Goals, Develop Plan Implement Plan Formative Assessment / Evaluation 2Year Plans - Adjust Goals Continue to Implement Plan Summative Evaluation Danielle Based on DESE & BPS OEE.

4 School Level Teacher Level Team Level  Proficient  Warning in ELA YOUR Student Learning Goal (Team Student Learning Goal) Student Learning GoalsProf. Practice Goals QSP Priorities: (1) Writing in response to informational texts (2) Solving multi-step word problems Align Tier 1 “diet” to Common Core; differentiate to address Tier 2- 3needs YOUR Professional Practice Goal Team Professional Practice (how you use CPT) Self-assess on rubric Dialogue w supervisor Lisa

5 Your Overall Rating Comes From… The objective is to set ambitious student learning goals. Teachers will not “fail” if the data falls short of meeting goals and teachers make significant progress. Your Student Learning Goal Your Professional Practice Goal I. Curriculum, Planning, & Asst II. Teaching All Students III. Family & Comm. Engagement IV. Professional Culture 2 Goals + 4 Standards = 1 Overall Rating = + Danielle

6 Educator Evaluation Rubric Unpacked

7 Evaluation Process Overview  Write a self-assessment that identifies the educators strengths and areas of growth.  A minimum of two goals are required: one student learning goal and one professional practice goal. Goal proposals should be submitted on or before October 1, 2014 by 12:00 noon.  Goals will be either returned or approved, and eventually approved by November 1, 2014.  An action plan should be created for each goal and approved by November 1, 2014.

8 Evaluation Process Overview  Artifacts should be uploaded that relate to educators goals and according to the areas of the rubric.  Observations by an evaluator will occur anywhere from 10 minutes to 30 minutes.  Summative and Formative Assessments will occur by an evaluator.

9 Goals Should align with Quality School Plan Grade level teams can generate team or individual goals Baseline data should be used and recorded to determine outcomes SMART goals are required (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely) See Principal or Teacher Leader for help with goals

10 Getting the Right Goals To test alignment of goals, ask: “If we achieve that goal, is it highly likely that our students/team/school will achieve this student learning goal?” “How is my work** this year helping the school meet our goals?” To test commitment to goals, ask: “Does this feel like a goal we (or I) can live out? Live with? Live up to?” Lisa

11 Action Plans Plans need to be submitted that are specific enough so the evaluator understands the steps, resources, timeline. Final submission of action plans and goals is October 27, 2014. This will enable the principal to review the goals, and have discussions with educators for any final adjustments before the district deadline of November 1, 2014.

12 Artifacts Educators will need to upload at least 8 artifacts for their Formative and Summative assessments periods. Each assessment period will require at least 8 artifacts. Educators should explain how the artifact relates to the standard he/she selects Upload artifacts that document progress on goals. Artifacts can also document your action plan.

13 Priority Elements for 2014 - 2015 Well-Structured Lessons (I-A-4) – Rigorous & Fun! Adjustments to Practice (I-B-2) – Dynamic! Quality of Effort and Work (II-A-1) – Rigorous & Dynamic! ***New!!! Parent & Community Engagement (III-B-1) – Dynamic & Fun! Goal Setting (IV-A-2) – Rigorous Dynamic & Fun! Access to Knowledge (II-B-3) -- Dynamic! Michelle

14 Artifacts Artifacts have to represent goals, the standards of the rubric: Curriculum Planning, and Assessment; Teaching All Students; Family and Community Engagement; Professional Culture Artifacts align with the schools’ priority areas. Artifacts can include many items including student work, lesson plans, common planning notes, movies, photos. The explanation is essential.

15 Artifacts Educators need to explain how/why the artifact relates to the standard/priority area If more than one standard is checked, then explanation needs to explain each standard. An explanation of why an learning process is important is not necessary, i.e., why guided reading is important in the learning process. Educators should explain how/why the artifact of guided reading supports and relates to the standard that the educator selected.

16 Resources Office of Educator Effectiveness: For tools, resources, and information See the Staff Handbook saved in the Google Drive. Contact the Principal – All educators have met at least once with the principal by 9/24/14. Please set up meeting for any final questions. QSP

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