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Vascular Anatomy.

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Presentation on theme: "Vascular Anatomy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vascular Anatomy

2 Subclavian Artery

3 Subclavian Artery Begins Left is a branch of the arch of the aorta
Right is a branch of innominate artery

4 Formed behind Sternoclavicular joint
Subclavian Artery Formed behind Sternoclavicular joint

5 Outer border of the 1st rib
Subclavian Artery Ends Outer border of the 1st rib Axillary artery

6 Scalenus anterior divides it into 3 parts
Subclavian Artery Divisions Scalenus anterior Scalenus anterior divides it into 3 parts 2 1 3

7 Subclavian Artery Branches 1st Part Vertebral artery
Thyrocervical Trunk 1st Part Internal Mammary

8 Subclavian Artery Branches Thyrocervical Trunk Inferior Thyroid
Transverse Cervical Thyrocervical Trunk Suprascapular

9 Subclavian Artery Branches Costocervical Trunk 2nd Part

10 Subclavian Artery Branches 3rd Part Gives no branches

11 Subclavian Artery Relations Anterior Internal Jugular vein

12 Suprapleural Membrane
Subclavian Artery Relations Lies on Suprapleural Membrane

13 Axillary Artery

14 Pectoralis minor divides the axillary artery into 3 parts
Course outer border of the 1st rib Pectoralis minor divides the axillary artery into 3 parts lower border of the teres major 1 2 Brachial artery 3

15 Medial to short head of biceps & coracobrachialis
Axillary Artery Relations Lateral to Axillary Vein Medial to short head of biceps & coracobrachialis

16 Axillary Artery Branches 1ST PART Brachial artery
Superior thoracic artery 1ST PART Brachial artery

17 Axillary Artery Branches 2ND PART Brachial artery
Thoracoacromial artery Lateral thoracic artery Brachial artery

18 Axillary Artery Branches 3RD PART Brachial artery
Posterior circumflex humoral 3RD PART Anterior circumflex humoral Subscapular Brachial artery

19 Femoral Artery

20 Continuation of the external iliac arteries
Femoral Artery Begins Continuation of the external iliac arteries Behind the midinguinal point Femoral artery

21 Enters Femoral Triangle
Femoral Artery Course Enters Femoral Triangle Lies deep to Sartorius

22 Vastus Medialis anterolateral to it
Femoral Artery Ends Passing through an opening in the adductor magnus muscles between its 2 insertions entering Adductor canal Vastus Medialis anterolateral to it Becoming the popliteal artery

23 Femoral Artery Surface Anatomy
Corresponds to the upper ⅔ of a line drawn from the mid-inguinal point to the adductor tubercle

24 Femoral Artery Branches 3 Superficial Superficial epigastric
Superficial circumflex iliac Superficial external pudendal 3 Superficial

25 Femoral Artery Branches 3 Deep Deep Femoral Deep External Pudendal
Descending Genicular 3 Deep

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