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The Nuts and Bolts of Christianity Acts 24:24-26.

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Presentation on theme: "The Nuts and Bolts of Christianity Acts 24:24-26."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Nuts and Bolts of Christianity Acts 24:24-26

2 Introductory Thoughts Background to the Text Paul defense before Felix - Verses 10-21 Felix closes the proceedings - Verse 22 Visitation forbidden - Verse 23 The Text - Verses 24-26 Paul called back Drusilla, Felix's wife, was of Jewish descent Paul reasoned with Felix concerning: Righteousness Self Control - Temperance The judgment

3 Righteousness Defined “The state or quality of one who observes divine & human laws; one who is what he ought to be; upright; virtuous; keeping the commands of God; correctness in thinking, feeling, and acting.” [Thayer] A Word Occurring 92 Times In N.T. Self-righteousness Is Never Acceptable Matthew 5:20

4 Righteousness The Right Kind Of Righteousness Must Be Practiced Matthew 6:1-18 The wrong kind is shallow - Verses 1-2, 5, 16 If We Establish Our Own Righteousness, We Will Not Submit To God Romans 10:1-3 We learn about God’s righteousness in the gospel - Romans 1:16-17 God accepts anyone who will learn, practice His righteousness - Acts 10:35

5 Self Control - Temperance Defined “The virtue of one who masters his desires and passions (esp. his sensual appetites); to exhibit self-government; to have power over; to master, restrain, curb, control.” [Thayer] A Word Occurring 3 Times In N.T We Live In An “Unrestrained” World Under the Sway Of Satan 1 John 5:19 “Animalistic Appetites” - 2 Peter 2:9-12

6 Self Control - Temperance God Wants Us To Reign In Our Passions Self-control is to be added to our Christian character - 2 Peter 1:6 Self-control is fruit of the life lived under the direction of the Holy Spirit Galatians 5:23 Self-control is practiced so saints can have the imperishable crown 1 Corinthians 9:25-27 A lack of self-control will lead to sinful situations - 1 Corinthians 7:5-9

7 Judgment Defined “A decree or decision one passes on the faults of others; the sentence handed down from a judge; condemnatory sentence; penal judgment; something judiciously decided.” [Thayer] A Word Occurring 28 Times In N.T.

8 Judgment Most In The World Live In Such A Way That Ignores The Certain Final Judgment Psalm 94:1-7 - Hebrews 9:27 - Hebrews 4:13 Yet, all will stand before Christ 2 Corinthians 5:10 Yes, all will “bow the knee” Romans 14:10b-12

9 Judgment The Lord Has Fixed A Judgment Jude 15 It will not be a “fact finding mission” It will be a day of vindication when all the world will be “convicted” or “convinced” that God was always right A Day Of “Righteous Judgment” Acts 17:31

10 Concluding Thoughts It Would Be Wrong To Reduce the N.T. to This 1 Verse Yet, This 1 Verse Does Contain the “Essentials” Of N.T. Christianity Righteousness Self Control - Temperance Judgment

11 Concluding Thoughts We need to busy ourselves in doing righteousness (living the right way) While living right, we need to control ourselves in the face of temptation, sin All we do is in view of the judgment

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