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Flashback 8-20-12 Without a calculator, find the answer. 1. (7 × 7 − 3 × 6) 2. 5 2 ÷ (3 3 + 5 + 2) 3.9 3 + 3 ÷ 9.

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Presentation on theme: "Flashback 8-20-12 Without a calculator, find the answer. 1. (7 × 7 − 3 × 6) 2. 5 2 ÷ (3 3 + 5 + 2) 3.9 3 + 3 ÷ 9."— Presentation transcript:


2 Flashback 8-20-12 Without a calculator, find the answer. 1. (7 × 7 − 3 × 6) 2. 5 2 ÷ (3 3 + 5 + 2) 3.9 3 + 3 ÷ 9

3 Joke of the day If you had 4 apples and 5 oranges in one hand and 6 apples and 7 oranges in the other, what would you have?

4 A: Very large hands.

5 Adding Integers Add 1 positive, 1 negative 2+ (-6) Add 2 negatives -5 + (-7) Subtract. Answer has sign of the larger number. 6-2 = 4, but 6 is negative so answer is -4. Add. Answer is negative. 5+7 = 12, so answer is -12

6 Subtracting integers 2 positive integers 6 –(+ 8) 2 negative integers -6 – (-3) Subtract. If the second number is larger, the answer is negative. 8-6 = 2, but 8 is the second number so the answer is -2. Since there are 2 negative signs together, the second integer becomes add +3. -6+3 = -3 following the rules of adding integers.

7 Subtracting integers, cont. 1 positive, 1 negative 8-(-3) 1 negative, 1 positive -3 –(+ 8) Since there are 2 negative signs in a row, the second term becomes addition. 8+3=11 Add the numbers. 8+3=11, but both numbers are negative

8 Multiplication 2 positives7*5 2 negatives -6*(-9) 1 positive, 1 negative 4*(-3) Answer is positive 35 Answer is positive 54 Answer is negative -12

9 Division 2 positives 8/2 2 negatives-9/-3 1 positive, 1 negative -21/7 14/-2 Answer is positive4 Answer positive3 Answer negative -3 -7

10 Exit Slip 1. - 6 + - 4 2. 10 – 6 3. 3 × - 2 4. - 12 -6-6

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