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Absolute Value / Integer Problems Math 7 More Absolute Value Problems Before, we found the absolute value of just one number. Now, we will see integer.

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2 Absolute Value / Integer Problems Math 7

3 More Absolute Value Problems Before, we found the absolute value of just one number. Now, we will see integer problems with absolute value brackets involved. There are a few different problems we could see

4 Type 1 l-12 l + 15 = ? This problem has the absolute value of -12 added to 15. You must find the absolute value first and then continue on with the problem 12 + 15 = 27

5 Type 2 l-11 + -18 l = ? This problem has two numbers being added together inside the brackets. You must perform the operation first, and then take the absolute value of the answer. l-29 l = 29

6 Type 3 -30 + l-18 – 12 l = ? This problem has an integer added to a type 2 problem. You must perform what is in the brackets first, then take the absolute value, and then perform the addition. -30 + l-30 l goes to -30 + 30 = 0

7 Absolute Value/Integer Problems You could see many different versions of each type of problem in today’s lesson. The operations could be any of the four (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division). Keep track of all the rules for integers and all of the rules in this lesson as well.

8 Examples:

9 Multiply More Than 2 Integers Only do two at a time…keep track of the signs (keep re-writing!) examples: (-2)(3)(-2) = (-3)(-2)(-4) = (5)(-3)(4)(2) =(-3)(-2)(-4)(-1) =

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