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ECOOP Annual meeting | 2008- 02-13 | kcs Integration of observing networks (pan - EU baseline system) WP2 Objectives Integration of existing EU-wide marine.

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2 ECOOP Annual meeting | 2008- 02-13 | kcs Integration of observing networks (pan - EU baseline system) WP2 Objectives Integration of existing EU-wide marine observation systems, harmonising flow of real time and near real time observational data co-ordination accessing Earth Observation (EO) products in order to maximise the benefit from existing national and European resources.

3 ECOOP Annual meeting | 2008- 02-13 | kcs Integration of observing networks (pan - EU baseline system) WP2 Description of work Inventory of the existing regional and coastal data management systems Establish a central web-page for updating the inventories Ensure the delivery of marine real and near real time data, designing the ECOOP data flow Identify and select consistent data interfaces and links to the MERSEA DMS Evaluate the existing digital climatologic atlases Design the ECOOP DMS and the ECOOP metadata catalogue system Design of the interface between ECOOP DMS and EuroMISS (WP8) Definition of details in the requirements for in-situ and remote sensing data to fulfil the ECOOP goals Start the quality control process for the ECOOP DMS, agreement of the QA-protocols to be used in ECOOP Evaluation of the regional and pan-European river runoff data, define an optimal list of river runoff data sets for the ECOOP DMS Definition and design of added value products, aggregation of real time and near real time data for consistent data sets to be delivered to Euro MISS(WP8).

4 ECOOP Annual meeting | 2008- 02-13 | kcs Integration of observing networks (pan - EU baseline system) WP2 T2.1 - Network evaluation and data delivery T2.2 - Establish a data management system to deliver real time and near real time data in an optimal and cost-effective mode T2.3 - Ensure proper and maximum real time delivery of remote sensing data T2.4 - Quality assurance T2.5 - Establish a pan-EU data base for river run-off T2.6 - Products and services T2.7 - WP2 coordination (T2.0)

5 ECOOP Annual meeting | 2008- 02-13 | kcs Integration of observing networks (pan - EU baseline system) WP2 T2.1 - Network evaluation and data delivery (Giuseppe Manzella) S2.1.1 - Provide an inventory of the data management systems used for marine regional and coastal observation systems (Aldo Drago) D2.1.1.1 (July 2007): Central web page for accessing the inventories (version 0). Manzella Giuseppe (ENEA) - AZTI-Tecnalia, BSH, CEFAS, CMRC, CNR, DMI, DMU-NERI, DNSC, ENEA, GKSS, HCMR, IEO, IFREMER, IMEDEA-CSIC, IMR, IMS-METU, IO-BAS, IOLR, MHI, MSI, OC-UCY, PdE, RIKZ, SMHI, UNI-MALTA(IOI-MOC), UNIV-GDA

6 ECOOP Annual meeting | 2008- 02-13 | kcs Integration of observing networks (pan - EU baseline system) WP2

7 ECOOP Annual meeting | 2008- 02-13 | kcs Integration of observing networks (pan - EU baseline system) WP2

8 ECOOP Annual meeting | 2008- 02-13 | kcs Integration of observing networks (pan - EU baseline system) WP2

9 ECOOP Annual meeting | 2008- 02-13 | kcs Integration of observing networks (pan - EU baseline system) WP2 D2.1.1.3: Report on existing observation programs fitting the ECOOP objectives Mismatch: DoW (31.1.2008) - Progecta (31.7.2008) We agreed to combine it with D2.1.1.2 to one report - end of July!

10 ECOOP Annual meeting | 2008- 02-13 | kcs Integration of observing networks (pan - EU baseline system) WP2 T2.2 - Establish a data management system to deliver real time and near real time data in an optimal and cost-effective mode (Declan Dunne) Declan Dunne (CMRC) - BSH, CMRC, CNR, DMI, GKSS, IFREMER, NERC, OC- UCY, PdE, TECHWORKS, UNIV-GDA S2.2.1 - Design and implement the ECOOP Data Management System appropriate for integrating all existing regional and coastal systems S2.2.2 - Define the metadata-interface

11 ECOOP Annual meeting | 2008- 02-13 | kcs Integration of observing networks (pan - EU baseline system) WP2 Critically review possible ECOOP DMS options against partners’ user requirements, existing systems, INSPIRE recommendations, OGC standards, and other best practices. D2.2.1.1Report on existing regional centres documenting role, data types, and services. D2.2.1.2Delivery of a static web portal developed for ECOOP D2.2.1.3Report on the architectural plan for building the ECOOP DMS based on review of best practices (software patterns and design) D2.2.2.1Review of metadata practices at regional centres D2.2.2.2Report on the architecture of the ECOOP metadata catalogue system

12 ECOOP Annual meeting | 2008- 02-13 | kcs Integration of observing networks (pan - EU baseline system) WP2

13 ECOOP Annual meeting | 2008- 02-13 | kcs Integration of observing networks (pan - EU baseline system) WP2 T2.3 - Ensure proper and maximum real time delivery of remote sensing data (Rosalia Santoleri) D2.3.1.1 Report on the design of the RT and NRT data satellite acquisition and delivery system for the TOP phase S2.3.1 - Design the in situ and remote sensing acquisition phase

14 ECOOP Annual meeting | 2008- 02-13 | kcs Integration of observing networks (pan - EU baseline system) WP2 T2.4 - Quality assurance (Susanne Tamm, kcs) S2.4.1 - Identify the most suitable quality assurance protocols AZTI-Tecnalia, BSH, GKSS, IMS-METU, SMHI D2.4.1.1 Review of the most suitable quality assurance protocols Soetje Kai (BSH) - AZTI-Tecnalia, BSH, DMI, GKSS, IFREMER, IMS-METU, IOW, PdE, SMHI

15 ECOOP Annual meeting | 2008- 02-13 | kcs Integration of observing networks (pan - EU baseline system) WP2 T2.5 - Establish a pan-EU data base for river run-off (Bruce Hackett) D2.5.1.1 ECOOP River Data Catalogues (five regional) as digital spreadsheets S2.5.1 - Assessment of existing river run-off data Hackett Bruce (MET-NO) - AZTI-Tecnalia, BSH, MET-NO, MHI, RIKZ, SMHI

16 ECOOP Annual meeting | 2008- 02-13 | kcs Integration of observing networks (pan - EU baseline system) WP2 D2.5.2.1ECOOP River Station Lists (five regional) as digital spreadsheets S2.5.2 - Interfacing to ECOOP Data Management system

17 ECOOP Annual meeting | 2008- 02-13 | kcs Integration of observing networks (pan - EU baseline system) WP2 T2.6 - Products and services ( Enrique A. Fanjul) S2.6.1 - Definition and design of added value products Alvarez Fanjul Enrique (PdE) - BSH, CLS, CMRC, HCMR, IO-BAS, MSI, PdE D2.6.1.1Report on designed added value products to be developed for EuroMISS (late - will be finished mid March)

18 ECOOP Annual meeting | 2008- 02-13 | kcs Integration of observing networks (pan - EU baseline system) WP2 Summary

19 ECOOP Annual meeting | 2008- 02-13 | kcs Integration of observing networks (pan - EU baseline system) WP2 D2.2.2.3 (Mo15): Delivery of the ECOOP metadata catalogue system, including web-based search interface. D2.2.5.1 (Mo16): Report on the architectures of both the ECOOP DMS and EuroMISS. D2.1.1.2 (Mo18): Report on the inventories. D2.1.2.1 (Mo18): Draft report on common practices/protocols for data transfer and access. D2.1.4.1 (Mo18): Data interface for ECOOP version zero. D2.1.5.1 (Mo18): Acquisition of existing climatologies. D2.4.2.1 (Mo18): Report of the common QA-protocols to be used in the ECOOP DMS. D2.5.3.1 (Mo18): Report on interfacing river runoff data to the ECOOP Data Management System. D2.1.3.2 (Mo20): Report on data handling, transfer and delivery for the ECOOP observation system. D2.2.1.4 (Mo21): Implementation of the ECOOP Data management System - version 1. D2.2.4.1 (Mo21): Review and design of the WP 2.1 system architecture (the climatological compiling system). D2.2.4.2 (Mo21): Implement interface between climatological compiling system and the ECOOP DMS. D2.2.5.2 (Mo21): Implementation of the Interface between the ECOOP DMS and EuroMISS. D2.3.2.1 (Mo21): Near real time satellite data products for ECOOP selected zones. D2.6.2.1 (Mo24): Report of implemented real and near real time added value products for EuroMISS. D2.6.3.1 (Mo24): Report describing the best alternative for archiving large observational data sets. D2.4.3.1 (Mo29): Report of the data quality within the ECOOP Data Management System. D2.1.3.3 (Mo30): Data from ECOOP observing system. D2.2.1.5 (Mo30): Delivery of the ECOOP Data Management System - version 2.

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