Computing in the Modern World Unit 4. GPS: BCS-CMW-8. Students will demonstrate knowledge of basic components of computer networks.

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Presentation on theme: "Computing in the Modern World Unit 4. GPS: BCS-CMW-8. Students will demonstrate knowledge of basic components of computer networks."— Presentation transcript:

1 Computing in the Modern World Unit 4

2 GPS: BCS-CMW-8. Students will demonstrate knowledge of basic components of computer networks.

3 Network  A collection of computers and devices connected together

4 Reasons Businesses Use a Network  Facilitate communications  Share hardware  Share data & information  Share software  Transfer funds

5 Advantages of Networking  Facilitating Communications-email, IM, chat rooms, blogs, etc.  Sharing hardware-save money  Sharing data & information-access to database for customers  Sharing software-save money  Transferring funds-payroll, make purchases on the Internet

6 Types of networks  Local area network (LAN)  Wireless local area network (WLAN)  Metropolitan area network (MAN)  Wide area network (WAN) Difference: the area of coverage

7 LAN  Limited geographical area Home School computer lab Office building

8 WLAN  LAN with no physical wires  Usually communicates with a wired LAN

9 MAN  High- speed network that connects LANs in a metropolitan area such as a city or town and handles the bulk of communications activity across that region.  Regulated by local or state government  Provided by telephone companies, cable television operators, and other organizations

10 WAN  Covers a large geographic area ( such as a city, country, or the world)  Combines many types of media such as telephone lines, cables, and radio waves  What is the world’s largest WAN?

11 Network Architectures  Design of computers, devices, and media in a network  Two Categories Client/server Peer-to-peer

12 Client/Server  Server-host computer Controls access to hardware, software, and other resources Provides central storage area  Clients Other computers and devices on the network that rely on the server for resources  EX. Server stores database of customers, Client access database

13 Client/Server  EX. Server stores database of customers, Client access database  10 or more computers

14 Peer-to-Peer Network  Simple, inexpensive  Less than 10 computers  Equal responsibilities and capabilities

15 Internet Peer-to-Peer (P2P  Users access each others hard disks and exchange files directly over the Internet  Examples: Limewire BitTorrent Gnutella Kazaa

16 Network Topologies  Layout of the computers and devices in a communications network.  Three most common: Bus Ring Star

17 Bus Network  Single central cable, to which all computers and other devices connect

18 Ring Network  A cable forms a closed loop (ring) with all computers and devices arranged along the ring

19 Star Network  All of the computers and devices ( nodes) on the network connect to a central device, thus forming a star

20 Intranet  Internal network that uses Internet technologies  Make company information accessible to employees  Examples: telephone directories, event calendars, procedure manuals, employee benefits information, and job postings

21 Assignment  Create a Turkey-Gram-See instructions on calendar

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