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“ MINISTRY ” HOURS VS “ OFFICE ” HOURS Mark 3:13: Jesus appointed twelve disciples that they might be “with him” and that he might send them out.

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Presentation on theme: "“ MINISTRY ” HOURS VS “ OFFICE ” HOURS Mark 3:13: Jesus appointed twelve disciples that they might be “with him” and that he might send them out."— Presentation transcript:

1 “ MINISTRY ” HOURS VS “ OFFICE ” HOURS Mark 3:13: Jesus appointed twelve disciples that they might be “with him” and that he might send them out.

2  MEGAP endorses an overall shift from 'office’ hours to ‘ministry’ hours for the work schedule of the pastor.  The pastor’s work schedule will become more unconventional.  Pastors will have the freedom to adjust their work hours in order to become more available for disciple-making.

3  Pastor will still be available in the office at certain times.  Frees the pastor to actually become more available to the people (disciple- making)  ‘Personal’ hours will now become 'ministry' hours, while some ‘office' hours will become personal hours (i.e. resting, spending time with family, recreation, etc.)

4  Pastors would greatly benefit from a church board and family that does not judge them for not working during ‘office’ hours, but rather endorses a pastor seeking to invest more time in disciple-making.

5  Pastors entering into this fundamental shift will be encouraged to log their ministry time for the first few months in order to:  help their board understand what they are doing  help their own time management

6 “ MINISTRY ” HOURS VS “ OFFICE ” HOURS “If we’re going to effectively disciple our churches according to the mandate from the last General Conference, we need to make this shift!” National MEGaP

7  Pastors will have the freedom to adjust their work hours in order to become more available for disciple-making.  Pastors would greatly benefit from a church board and family that does not judge them for not working during ‘office’ hours, but rather endorses a pastor seeking to invest more time in disciple-making. “ MINISTRY ” HOURS VS “ OFFICE ” HOURS DISCUSSION POINTS

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