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Nick Theme of Vehicles / Transportation (and some other stuff)

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2 Nick

3 Theme of Vehicles / Transportation (and some other stuff)

4 Key Vocabulary  辆 -liang4 - MW for Vehicles  坐 -zuo4 - Sit or ride in a vehicle  自行车 -zi4xing2che1 - Bike  汽车 -qi4che1 - Car  公共汽车 -gong1gong4qi4che1 - Public Bus  火车 -huo3che1 - Train  校车 -xiao4che1 - School Bus  摩托车 -mo2tuo1che1 - Motorcycle  开车 -kai1che1 - Drive a vehicle  走路 -zou3lu4 - Walk  送 -song4 - take 。。。 To  小心 -xiao3xin1 - be Careful  住在 -zhu4zai4 - Live in / @  厕所 -ce4suo3 - Bathroom  快 -kuai4 - Fast  慢 -man4 - Slow  Vehicle 站 -___zhan4 - Vehicle station (火车站- train station )

5 Pop Quiz! Pop Quiz Pop Quiz Pop Quiz Pop Quiz Pop Quiz

6 Key Key Structures  Person 怎么去 Somewhere  中文怎么说 English Word  Person 住在什么地方  Person 在哪里 Verb

7 Key Skills  Read transportation signs  Say how you get somewhere  Identify main methods of transportation  Ask how to write/say something in Chinese

8 Verbs for Vehicles  You use specific verbs for different vehicles  Riding, NOT DRIVING, in anything motorized uses the verb 坐  Driving, NOT RIDING, a motorized vehicle will use the verb phrase 开车  Riding OR driving a non-motorized vehicle uses the verb 骑

9 Pop Quiz! Pop Quiz Pop Quiz Pop Quiz Pop Quiz Pop Quiz

10 Key Key Structure 1  Person 怎么去 Place  - How its used : Used to ask a person how they get to a certain place, for example, if you wanted to know someone gets to school, you would ask: 你 ( Person )怎么去( How you get to )学校 ( School ) More Examples : 你怎么去你的家? 他怎么去菜市场? How to answer 我 Verb Vehicle 去 Place

11 Street Signs

12 Key Key Structure 2 中文怎么说 Word - How it is used: Used to ask someone how to say an English word in Chinese. For example, if you want to know how to say car you would say: 中文( Chinese )怎么( How ) 说( Say ) Car ? More Examples 中文怎么说 Book ? 中文怎么说 China ?

13 How do you get to school ? How someone else you know gets somewhere ?

14 Key Key Structure 3  Person 住在什么地方  - How to use Used to ask where someone lives at the current time. Example :你( you )住在( live )什么 ( what )地方( place )? More Examples : 他住在什么地方? 你们住在什么地方? How to answer 我( I )住在( live )中国( china )〈-- can be changed to any place

15 What is this ?

16 Key Key Structure 4  Person 在哪里 Verb  - How to use : This key structure is used to ask someone where they do something (go to school, go to work, live…) Example: 你( you )在哪里( where ) 上班( work ) More Examples 你在哪里上学? 你在哪里买菜? How to answer : 我( I )在( at )钻石中学( Diamond Middle School )上学( study/go to school )

17 How do you say _____?

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