Introduction to Meditation Dr. Robert C L LAW Buddhist Lodge of Laity, Jan 2008.

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1 Introduction to Meditation Dr. Robert C L LAW Buddhist Lodge of Laity, Jan 2008

2 What is NOT Meditation ? Not exactly relaxation Not getting into a trance Not blank mind Not mystical Not removal from reality Not dangerous--- ( ie. if done properly)

3 Types of Meditation Hindu yoga -- relaxation of the mind extra-sensory perception? transcendental experience? Buddhist Meditation : The core of Buddhist practice To develop Wisdom/Insight ( panna, prajna) To attain Nirvana/Buddhahood.

4 Types of Buddhist Meditation (?) Samatha ( Concentration) ----to develop a tranquil yet focused mind, sensation of a deep calm pervading the body --- often beautiful, delightful and cleansing. Vipassana( Insight )--- To develop Mindfulness

5 What is Mindfulness (Sati) ? A state of mind when thoughts and feelings are being observed and let go without judgment Not easy to describe and need to be experienced Three level : What are you really doing. Seeing things as they really are True nature of all phenomena

6 Before you start Fix a time, most convenient, expecting least disturbances Morning time ? Bed time ? Sit comfortably and comfortable clothes Finish all “mundane” tasks first. Do not drink alcohol In the beginning, try not to do it when you are all upset or agitated.

7 Things to note in Meditation Do not expect anything Do not strain Dwell in equanimity Accept and watch the arising and disappearing of all thoughts without judgment Do not let any thought leads you to chase after it Always come back to the object of meditation ( e.g. your breath)

8 The Four Foundation of Mindfulness 四念住 Body 身 Feeling 受 Mind 心 Dharma ( Objects of the Mind) 法

9 Common problems Drowsiness Emotional upset --- grieve, fear,etc Too many things on your mind Try too hard No getting anywhere Thoughts that won’t go away

10 Mindfulness in everyday life Walking Eating Waiting for bus, lift Sitting in a bus, taxi. Talking to people

11 Meditation technique Breathing Loving Kindness ( Metta) Visualisation of the Buddha

12 References : Mindfulness in Plain English Anapanasati Sutta Satipathana Sutta

13 Let ‘s Practise !





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