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Introduction to Child Language Development

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Child Language Development"— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Child Language Development

2 Review - What is language?
Set of rules for sharing thoughts, ideas, feelings Can be verbal, signed, gestured, written Receptive and expressive

3 Review: What is language?
Form - Phonology, Morphology, Syntax Content - Semantics Use - Pragmatics How does language differ from speech?

4 Inter-relationship between language areas Bloom and Lahey (1978)

5 Language Development Birth to 3 - intensive period of language development Critical periods of development Environment facilitates language development

6 Language Development - Birth
Language learning begins Baby reacts to loud sounds by startling or waking. Baby produces sounds that indicate pain or pleasure

7 Language Development- birth
First communication! CRYING

8 Language Development - 0-3 months
Baby turns and watches your face when you speak. Baby smiles and seems to recognize familiar voices Baby may listen intently to unfamiliar voices Baby responds to comforting tones Baby starts cooing Baby uses differentiated cries

9 12 weeks old

10 Language Development 4-6 months
Responsive to tones of voice Moves eyes in directions of sounds May be interested in non-speech sounds Babbling and vocal play Can indicate urgency/excitement with vocalizations Rituals and games set predictable routines and expectations Gurgling sounds

11 Language Development By 6 months - Response to name Vocalizations with
intonation Responses to tones of voice--happy, angry

12 6 month old

13 Language Development- 7-12 months - comprehension
Looks in direction of sounds Listens when spoken to Recognizes words for common objects Begins to respond to requests Enjoys early games/rituals

14 Language development- 7-12 months - expression
Has 1-2 words Uses speech for attention Babbling

15 12 month old

16 Play Development 9-12 months
Object permanence Starts to use some basic toys appropriately

17 Play Development (Westby, 1990)
13-17 months Discovers function of toys through trial and error Hands toy to adult if unable to work 17-19 months autosymbolic play tool use 19-22 months Symbolic play beyond self Combines 2 toys in play

18 Receptive Language - 1-2 years
12 months - understands 50 words, 18 months-understands 200 words Follows simple directions within common routines Identifies simple body parts Points to named objects or pictures Listens to simple stories/rhymes

19 Expressive language- 1-2 years
12 months - uses up to 3 words, (more every month) 23 months - uses about 200 words! Overextend and underextend meanings Examples - overgeneralization- all animals are dogs Undergeneralization- sandals aren’t shoes Emerging 2 word combinations Emerging question use - “where mommy?”

20 Language development 2 year olds understand possession!!!

21 2 year old

22 Receptive language- 2-3 years
24 months - understands words 30 months - understands up to 900 words Can acquire 1-2 new words per day Variety of vocabulary expands - nouns, verbs, adjectives, pronouns, etc Follows 1-2 step directions Understands some concept pairs (hot/cold)

23 Expressive language 2-3 years
Vocabulary explosion - up to 570 words at 30 months 2-3 word sentences Utterance expansion - (1-3 words) Increased grammatical structure of sentences Limited topic initiation

24 Language explosion!!!!

25 Play Development (Westby, 1990)
24 months Daily experiences represented in play Stacking, knocking down, pouring dumping 30 months Starts to represent less frequently observed events Still uses realistic props in play

26 Receptive language - 3-4 years
Understands words Can acquire 4-6 new words per day!!! Understands “wh” question forms - what, where and who Follows multi-step directions within routines Increased ability to comprehend stories, explanations and conversations

27 Expressive Language - 3-4 years
Hard to measure expressive vocabulary because it is so big! Combines 4 + words Relays personal experiences but may leave out relevant details Expanded conversational topics as the world expands Best at talking of the here and now

28 Play Development (Westby, 1990)
3-31/2 years Sequence of events in play May replay an experienced event with a different ending 31/2- 4 years Problem solving and planning emerge 3 dimensional building

29 Receptive Language- 4-5 years
Understands words Increased conceptual knowledge including time words, complex emotion words More precision in vocabulary Answers simple questions about stories Follows multi-step directions in new situations Understands conversation about their lives - preschool, home, etc

30 Expressive language 4-5 years
Lengthy sentences with detail Can tell a simple story with few grammar errors May still produce errors with irregular forms (plurals, past tense) Improved story telling but a limited filter of what is important More confident to initiate topics

31 Language characteristics - 5 year olds
Can carry on conversations about everyday subjects Love jokes and riddle Able to state name, address, age and birthday Can describe objects by function May gain a vocabulary of new words not learned at home- not always positive May understand time concepts but can’t tell time yet

32 Play development (Westby, 1990)
5 year olds Imaginative and cooperative No longer needs concrete props Plans and organizes toys and people

33 Language Characteristics - School age
Gaining new communication modes- reading, writing Metalinguistics - ability to consider language in the abstract and make judgments about its correctness Language development slows Focus becomes semantics and pragmatics

34 Language characteristics - school age
Gradual increase in complexity of thinking and comprehension of nuances in language Comprehension of multiple meanings and figurative language gradually emerges Examples: “As big as a house” set/set/set

35 Implications of language abilities for school aged children
In elementary school and beyond, language strongly influences… Academics Peer and social relationships Self- esteem

36 Language across the lifespan
Language continues to develop - unless presence of a problem! Adults expand language including adding specialized vocabulary related to experiences, jobs, hobbies, life!

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