620-626 - Analyze primary sources about the League of Nations. - Describe the challenges and problems facing the United States following World War I.

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2 620-626 - Analyze primary sources about the League of Nations. - Describe the challenges and problems facing the United States following World War I.

3 Quiz

4 Strongly Against Mixed – “on the fence” Strongly in Favor League of Nations FRONT

5  Battle over the League of Nations Public favored support of Wilson’s idea. Senate opposed support  Henry Cabot Lodge led the Reservationists.  Robert LaFollette and Hiram Johnson led Irreconcilables. Senate defeated treaty 3/19/20. Post-War Problems Facing the U.S.

6  Influenza epidemic


8 Post-War Problems Facing the U.S.  Influenza epidemic  Rapid demobilization of troops/economy ex. 1/1919 Baruch abolishes WIB  Increasing unemployment and inflation  Women lost their high paying war jobs  Race relations worsened  ex. W.E.B. DuBois ex. 1919 Chicago

9 Post-War Problems Facing the U.S.  Race relations worsened W.E.B. DuBois 1919 Chicago  Labor unrest caused strikes nationwide in 1919 Pennsylvania AFL steelworkers A.G. Palmer used “injunction” to stop coal strike Gov. Calvin Coolidge Boston Police Strike Seattle shipyard “Central Labor Council” went on strike


11 Post-War Problems Facing the U.S.  Labor unrest caused strikes nationwide in 1919 Pennsylvania AFL steelworkers A.G. Palmer used “injunction” to stop coal strike Gov. Calvin Coolidge Boston Police Strike Seattle shipyard “Central Labor Council” went on strike  The Red Scare Caused due to the fear of the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia will spread to America!

12 Police Arrest “Suspected Reds’ in Chicago, 1920 “Red Scare” – Palmer Raids A.G. Palmer created a new agency in the Justice Dept. headed by J. Edgar Hoover to suppress radicals.

13 IWW Office after a “Palmer Raid”

14 (Referring to Palmer Raids)

15 Threat of the Red Scare

16 The Election of 1920  Warren Harding/Calvin Coolidge (R) promised a return to “normalcy”  James Cox/(FDR) (D) lost the election due to Americans anger over the World War I involvement. 16 million vs. 9 million votes!!

17 The 1920 Election

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