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Made by Luke Pai.  Saturn was named after the roman god of agriculture.  Saturn means Saturday.

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Presentation on theme: "Made by Luke Pai.  Saturn was named after the roman god of agriculture.  Saturn means Saturday."— Presentation transcript:

1 Made by Luke Pai


3  Saturn was named after the roman god of agriculture.  Saturn means Saturday.

4  Who : Galileo Galilei  When : 1610  How: By telescope

5  In the 6 th order away from the sun.  1,433,000,000 km away from the sun.  1,300,000,000 km away from the earth. Link shows Saturn in the 6 th order from the sun

6  Mass : 568,319,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 kg  Volume : 827,129,915,150,897 km3  Density : 0.687 g/cm3  Would Saturn float of sink in water. Explain. - Saturn would float for its density is lower then waters density.  Gravity : 1.08 times the gravity on earth. Ex: 100 lb on earth, 108 lb on Saturn.

7  Saturn takes 29 earth year to orbit the sun.  10 hr and 37 minutes for Saturn to completely rotate on its axis.

8  Saturn is approximately 94% of hydrogen and 6% of helium.  Methane,ammonia, nitrogen and oxygen have been found in smaller traces.

9  Temperature range on Saturn is -288 F.  Temperature on earth is hotter by a long shot.  Florida is the hottest place know to man.

10  Gas Giant. - Surface is just a layer of gas.  Internal composition is the core is 10 to 20 times massive as the earth.  Saturn looks like a spherical gas planet with a massive rocky ring around it.

11  Saturn weather is very windy for its winds can reach up to 180 km mph.  3 regions where “weather” occurs.  Contains ammonia clouds, ammonium hydro sulphine clouds, and water clouds.

12  Discovered in 1610 by a telescope by Galileo Galilei.  Eight rings around Saturn you can see by telescope.  People believe the rings are made of comets, asteroids, or shattered moons the broke up before they reached the planet.  The color of Saturn rings are shimmering pinks, properties of gray and a hint of brown.

13  53 natural satellites  Titan-(1655)  Lapetus, Rhea, Dione, Tethys –(1671-1654)  Hyperion – (1848)  Janus –(1966) Titan

14  If someone traveled to Saturn they would have no place to land for Saturn is just a gas planet.  He would sink to hotter and denser gases in Saturn till he gets crushed by the pressure.

15  Each ring of Saturn rotates at a different speed.  Titan (Saturn moon) is so large it affects near things around it.  Moons can go thought the gaps between Saturn rings.  Scientist believe that titan can support life.

16  "Solar System Exploration: Multimedia: Gallery: Solar System Symbols." Solar System Exploration: Multimedia: Gallery: Solar System Symbols. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Dec. 2013.  "Solar System Exploration: Home Page." Solar System Exploration: Home Page. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Dec. 2013.  "Saturn's Atmosphere: All the Way Down." N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Dec. 2013.  "Saturn's Atmosphere / Cassini-Huygens / Space Science / Our Activities / ESA." European Space Agency. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Dec. 2013.  "What Would Happen If You Tried to Land on Saturn?" What Would Happen If You Tried to Land on Saturn? N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Dec. 2013.  "Saturn." : History of Discoveries. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Dec. 2013.  "UCSB Science Line Sqtest." UCSB Science Line Sqtest. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Dec. 2013.

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