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Emma Miller. “The definition of outcomes is the impact or end results of services on a person's life. Outcomes-focused services and support therefore.

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Presentation on theme: "Emma Miller. “The definition of outcomes is the impact or end results of services on a person's life. Outcomes-focused services and support therefore."— Presentation transcript:

1 Emma Miller

2 “The definition of outcomes is the impact or end results of services on a person's life. Outcomes-focused services and support therefore aim to achieve the aspirations, goals and priorities identified by service users – in contrast to services whose content and/or forms of delivery are standardised or are determined solely by those who deliver them (Glendinning et al 2006).”

3  Started with research at York Uni (from 1996) Then Glasgow University (2004-6) – the outcomes important to people using services provided in partnership, including OP, MH, LD  Researchers Ailsa and Emma worked with JIT since 2006  What is the JIT?  Initially UDSET  Worked with partnerships and providers on what has proven to be an intricate puzzle!

4 Maintaining quality of life – e.g. Achieving and maintaining acceptable levels of safety, social contact Time limited change – e.g. Improving confidence and regaining skills Process outcomes - impact of service process – e.g. Service users feeling valued and respected, listened to

5 Quality of lifeProcessChange Feeling safe Having things to do Seeing people As well as can be Life as want (including where you live) Listened to Having a say Respect Responded to Reliability Improved confidence Improved skills Improved mobility Reduced symptoms

6 Quality of life for cared for person Quality of life of carer Coping with caring Process Quality of life for cared for person Health and wellbeing A life of their own Positive relationship with person cared for Freedom from financial hardship Choices in caring including limits Feeling informed/skilled /equipped Satisfaction in caring Partnership with services Valued/respected Having a say in services Responsive to changing needs Meaningful relationship with practitioners Accessible and available and free at the point of need


8  The DATA response  Concern about raising expectations  But the emphasis is different with outcomes  Start with the outcome and work backwards  Record clear plans including different views  Shift from focusing on deficits to capacities  Not about creating wish lists but a negotiation  It does take time to involve people but it is investing time to save time – avoid failure demand and get it right  ‘Engaging with people not processing them’

9 EXCHANGE INFORMATION - Identify desired outcomes Exchange Model of Assessment

10 PART ONE Revisiting core communication skills  Listening, and not talking, is very hard to do!  Active listening, paraphrasing, prompting  Supporting the person to define their outcomes PART TWO Communication support needs  Advantage of qualitative conversational approach – flexible, tailored to the person  Other tools and approaches e.g. Talking Mats, Viewpoint

11  Requires systems to re-orientate around outcomes  Buy-in from senior mgmt important – staff need ‘permission’ to do things in a different way  Biggest cost is staff development  Fits with emphasis on reablement, recovery, co- production and mutuality = “doing with”  Collect info once and use it for multiple purposes  Fits with SCSWIS requirements – care standards  Personalisation in the broad sense  Shared language across agency boundaries – importance of trust

12  Talking Points website points-user-and-carer-involvement/ points-user-and-carer-involvement/  Current developments include Outcomes focused conversation and recording (2011) Outcomes based commissioning (2011) Care home pilot  Provider forum  Scottish Care and IRISS – package of materials with a focus on audio visual June 2011  Community of Practice

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