Scratchpads & Citizen Science Ed Baker 10.6084/m9.figshare.750444.

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Presentation on theme: "Scratchpads & Citizen Science Ed Baker 10.6084/m9.figshare.750444."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scratchpads & Citizen Science Ed Baker 10.6084/m9.figshare.750444


3 Transition from BioBlitz (top down) organisation to a community driven project (bottom up)


5 Where do we go from here?


7 What are our strengths in this area?

8 We can already handle the data

9 We have experience working with communities

10 Where do we fall short?

11 We collect too much data

12 We don’t deal with these yet

13 A roadmap

14 Focus on data management and analysis (provide a tool – get out of the way) Simplify the user interface (new profile for citizen science projects) Work with a partner to develop smart phone support

15 Focus on data management and analysis (provide a tool – get out of the way) Simplify the user interface (new profile for citizen science projects) Work with a partner to develop smart phone support

16 Focus on data management and analysis (provide a tool – get out of the way) Simplify the user interface (new profile for citizen science projects) Work with a partner to develop smart phone support



19 ?

20 ? What about ‘Citizen Engineering’ ?



23 ?



26 Focus on data management and analysis (provide a tool – get out of the way) Simplify the user interface (new profile for citizen science projects) Work with a partner to develop smart phone support

27 Focus on data management and analysis (provide a tool – get out of the way) Simplify the user interface (new profile for citizen science projects) Work with a partner to develop smart phone support Provide a way for ANYBODY to store and manage their biodiversity data

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