Skills for Care Conference 2015 Leadership Workshop Achieving success through: effective leadership and management workforce development Maureen Hinds:

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Presentation on theme: "Skills for Care Conference 2015 Leadership Workshop Achieving success through: effective leadership and management workforce development Maureen Hinds:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Skills for Care Conference 2015 Leadership Workshop Achieving success through: effective leadership and management workforce development Maureen Hinds: Tel: 0203 011 5277

2 What this workshop covers Introduction – What is effective leadership Key sector drivers – What affects our sector The Challenges – Pre and post inspection Leadership and Management – Support available Workforce development - Endorsement Framework Benefits – Why become endorsed

3 Leadership – what we think it is..  Distributed leadership  Practical understanding – and awareness  It’s about behaviours  It is everyone’s business

4 Why we think Leadership matters: Revenue challenges and funding pressures for employers Need to do more – and more complex - with less Working with wider group of stakeholders Need for adaptability/innovation Reversion to the old virtues and values

5 Sector size, structure & workforce issues.......  Large: c. 1.8m service users Workforce 1.56m – about the same size as NHS. Total economic value in England estimated @ £43bn.  Varied and fragmented: 17,000 adult social care employers. 152 local authority commissioners. C. 50,000 establishments.  Growing : Spending currently c. £17bn p a. 1m more jobs projected to be needed by 2025.  Transient workforce: 27% turnover

6 Exercise 1 Identify as many government drivers/initiatives in adult social care as possible in 5 minutes e.g. Integration Agenda

7 The Health and Care System from April 2013


9 CQC KLoE Well Led – Staff training!

10 Exercise 2 In groups identify as many challenges and solutions from inspection (5 Mins)

11 Why do we need Endorsement? (Consider all previous points)  When employers and learners look for learning and development, they want to know that what they commission is the best possible choice.  They also want to get a return on their investment. At a time when employers are facing financial pressure, the need for assurance on the quality of learning and development purchased is all the more important. A better quality of life outcomes for people who use adult social care servicesquality of service delivery

12 Well Led – Workforce development Recruiting - Values based recruitment Detailed robust induction - Care certificate Career development – Clear progression paths High quality training – Endorsement/approved programmes

13 Endorsement Framework  The Why, What and How?

14 Endorsed Provider Endorsement Framework Dimension Criteria Dimension 6 Dimension 4 Dimension 5 Dimension 3 Dimension 2 Dimension 1 Dimension 7 Leadership & Management Quality assurance Resource Management Staff Development Working with learners Working with employers Embedding Leadership Qualities Not Graded at Recognised level Excellence level has 2 dimensions; Embedding Leadership Qualities and Delivering the Strategy

15 What the framework is: All inclusive Type and levels Self evaluation and outcome evidence Tools to support application Handbook Assessment toolkit Process Additional “Approved” Progamme Endorsement Framework (Revised)

16 Endorsement Benefits Why should you become endorsed? Your Organisation Promoted on our Website Badge of quality with use of endorsement logo Self evaluation (CPD) Broader exposure within the sector Opportunity to shape and deliver Skills for Care materials and programmes

17 Why should you become endorsed? Your Staff/learners Trained by quality provision Reduction in repetition of training Deliver high quality healthcare People who use services Impact on quality of life outcomes Endorsement Benefits (cont’d)

18 What next? Any Questions? How to Apply? Skills for Care - home

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