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What are Parenthetical Citations? Acknowledging words, facts, or ideas from another source.

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Presentation on theme: "What are Parenthetical Citations? Acknowledging words, facts, or ideas from another source."— Presentation transcript:

1 What are Parenthetical Citations? Acknowledging words, facts, or ideas from another source.

2 Why do we need citations? It is important to give credit to the sources you use. When you copy words and ideas that are not yours and use them without giving credit, it is called plagiarism.

3 How do I avoid plagiarism? You can avoid plagiarism, which is a serious offense, by giving credit to your sources. People who plagiarize may receive a failing grade or even be expelled from school.

4 Doesn’t the “Works Cited” page give credit? Yes, the Works Cited page at the end of your paper is important in giving credit to the sources you used. However, it doesn’t give your reader information on what exactly you used from each source or exactly where you found the material.

5 When must you give credit? When you quote exact words If you use the exact words of an author, you need to include them in "quotation marks."

6 Give Credit When you summarize facts and ideas from a source: Summarizing means taking ideas from a larger passage and condensing them into your own words.

7 Give Credit When you paraphrase: If you use the ideas or opinions from someone else and restate them in your own words, you still need to cite the source.

8 When do you not have to cite? If the information is well known If the information can be found in dictionaries Statistics and information that can be easily found in several sources and are not likely to vary from source to source

9 How to cite sources: The most common type of credit (citation) lists the author’s last name and the page number in parentheses. In Throne of Blood, which is modeled on ancient Japanese Noh theatre, dialogue is de-emphasized and the visual message is given greater importance in communicating mood and tone. "Noh performing style…is antithetical to the realism and naturalism that invests acting in the West. It counters the meaning of Shakespeare’s famous lines in act 3, scene 2 of Hamlet about the actor holding the mirror up to nature" (Prince). If you already name the author in a lead-in, just include the page number in parentheses. Kurosawa’s film seems to draw upon the sentiment expressed by the tragic hero in the final act of the play. Shakespeare suggests in Macbeth’s thoughts following his wife’s death that life is transitory and meaningless, “signifiying nothing” (V.v.27-31).

10 Citing sources when some of the information is missing Some sources do not use page numbers. In those cases, list just the author. Birds swarm the halls of Spider’s Web Castle the night before Washizu’s final defeat (Kurosawa). If a source does not list an author or page number, use the title. If using a web source, this is the name of the web page. “As Washizu tries to get his troops to attack, they remain still. Finally they turn on their master and begin firing arrows at him as revenge for his traitorous actions. Washizu finally succumbs to his wounds just as his enemies approach the castle gates” (“Throne of Blood (1957) – Synopsis”).

11 Parenthetical citations should be: Brief Give only enough information to identify the source on your Works Cited page

12 Always check to make sure you give credit to your sources A complete list of every source that you make reference to in your paper. This provides the information necessary for a reader to locate and retrieve any sources cited in your paper. Include a Works Cited page:

13 Wrap up a great paper ! Quote Summarize Paraphrase Use citations when you…

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