Mary Mehsikomer, Network Coordinator NW-LINKS/Region 1 August 2010 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Mary Mehsikomer, Network Coordinator NW-LINKS/Region 1 August 2010 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mary Mehsikomer, Network Coordinator NW-LINKS/Region 1 August 2010 1

2 AGENDA Who I am and why I am here What is information and technology literacy? Who is the 21 st Century Student? Where are the standards and what influences them? Why are they important? Discussion/Questions Resources and Further Reading 2

3 CONTEXT What is information and technology literacy? The ability to find, interpret, and use information effectively The ability to develop questions, identify problems, find solutions, and generate new ideas The understanding that information is presented in different media formats and how to validate information validity The understanding of how the research process is a continuous cycle that plays a role in both academic and daily life The ability to use technology tools to find, interpret and use information for communication, collaboration, and learning 3

4 Who is the 21 st century student? Born 1990 or after Grew up with rapidly changing technology (new devices do not phase them) Experienced with multi-media, online applications Multi-tasking maniac Very comfortable with virtual relationships Different brains View the world first-hand and in the moment 4

5 How do 21 st century students want to be educated ? From Teaching Digital Natives, Marc Prensky, 2010 They do not want to be lectured They want to be respected, trusted, and to have their opinions valued They want to learn about their passions and interests They want to create and use up-to-date tools to create They want to work and collaborate with their peers They want to make decisions and share control of their learning They want to connect with peers to express their opinions and share their views both within and outside of their community They want to cooperate and compete with each other They want relevant education, but more importantly, want their education to be REAL 5

6 What do they need? To learn balance To learn how to multi-task effectively To learn when single-tasking is important and how to do it To build content knowledge (despite the fact they can Google everything) To be discerning, ethical users of information Understanding – there is a greater “generation gap” than ever before 6

7 Ponder this… From Understanding the Digital Generation by Ian Jukes, Ted McCain, Lee Crocket, 2010 How has YOUR world changed in the past 30 years? What technology do you use today that you didn’t have 20 years ago or even 10 years ago? How many of those new technologies can you now carry with you? How has the digital landscape impacted you, your family, your community, and your workplace? What characteristics of 21 st century students do you see in your schools? 7

8 National 21 ST Century Skills Partnership Integrated model of “soft skills” and core subjects Emphasize core subjects Emphasize learning skills – teach kids “how” to learn Use 21 st century tools (technology) to develop learning skills Teach and learn in a 21 st century context – real world, relevant Use 21 st century assessments that measure 21 st century skills 8

9 9

10 Example: Old (1998) ISTE vs. New ISTE (2007) 10

11 “OLD” ISTE 1998 ISTE-NETS Standards for Students Basic technology operations and concepts Social ethical, and human issues Technology productivity tools Technology communications tools Technology research tools Technology problem-solving and decision-making tools 11

12 “NEW” REFRESHED ISTE 2007 ISTE Standards for Students Creativity and Innovation Communication and Collaboration Research and Information Fluency Critical Thinking, Problem Solving and Decision Making Digital Citizenship Technology Operations and Concepts 12

13 ISTE for Teachers Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity Design and Develop Digital Age Learning Experiences and Assessments Model Digital-Age Work and Learning Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership 13

14 ISTE for Administrators Visionary Leadership Digital-Age Learning Culture Excellence in Professional Practice Systemic Improvement Digital Citizenship 14

15 MINNESOTA Minnesota Laws of 2006 – Chapter 263 “The commissioner of education must revise and appropriately embed technology and information literacy standards consistent with recommendations from school media specialists into the state’s academic standards and graduation requirements…” 15

16 How are standards committees embedding information and technology literacy? Practical approach to embed information and technology literacy within content areas Bring practicing school library media specialists in to help Once the basic draft standards are established – find the place for the “hooks” Content experts may have additional suggestions 16

17 Issues and concerns with this approach? Standards committees are challenged in doing this effectively What about content areas in which it is difficult to find the “hooks” How are teachers going to learn how to teach the skills What about the wide range of access to technology tools that exists in our schools How will these skills be assessed? Information literacy competes with other benchmarks included – college readiness and reading 17

18 2009 MEMO Standards for Information & Technology Literacy Four strands Inquiry and Research Expanding Literacies Technology Use and Concepts Ethical Participation in a Global Society Modeled on format of state academic standards Based on 2007 ISTE, 2009 AASL, and 21 st Century Skills Partnership Framework 18

19 School Districts Adopt and/or adapt a set of information technology literacy standards that works for your curriculum Figure out if your school is better positioned to embed or teach separately or both Bring the information and technology literacy standards to the table each time curriculum is revised Involve your school media specialists Assess technology access and plan accordingly 19

20 Why is information and technology literacy important? Incorporates skills students need to succeed academically, professionally and personally Businesses tell us students come to them without these skills Higher education institutions tell us the same Students spending time and money to build these skills in remediation We are in a global economy where innovation is what will keep us competitive 20

21 Resources and Additional Reading MEMO 2009 Information & Technology Standards ards ISTE Standards www. Partnership for 21 st Century Skills 21 st Century Skills: Learning for Life in Our Times Bernie Trilling and Charles Fadel 2009, Jossey-Bass 21

22 Resources and AdditionalReading (continued) Understanding the Digital Generation: Teaching and Learning in the New Digital Landscape Ian Jukes, Ted McCain, Lee Crockett 2o1o, Corwin Press Teaching Digital Natives: Partnering for Real Learning Marc Prensky 2010, Corwin Press 22

23 Thank you! Mary Mehsikomer Network Coordinator NW-LINKS/Region 1 (218) 284-3117 23

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