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1 Linked Stack Chapter 4. 2 Linked Stack We can implement a stack as a linked list. Same operations. No fixed maximum size. Stack can grow indefinitely.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Linked Stack Chapter 4. 2 Linked Stack We can implement a stack as a linked list. Same operations. No fixed maximum size. Stack can grow indefinitely."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Linked Stack Chapter 4

2 2 Linked Stack We can implement a stack as a linked list. Same operations. No fixed maximum size. Stack can grow indefinitely Subject only to the amount of memory available.

3 3 Linked Stack Rather than implementing a linked stack from scratch we will use an existing Link class and create an adapter. A wrapper that provides a different interface for an existing class. Using a linked list to implement a stack is especially simple. The operations provided by the Stack ADT are a subset of those provided by the List ADT.

4 4 Getting Started Create a new empty project Linked_Stack Copy stack.h and stack_test.cpp from last class into the new Linked_Stack project 2011_02_07_Stacks/ 2011_02_07_Stacks/ Add to project. Project > Add Existing Item

5 5 Getting Started Download final List Template project: 2011_02_02_List_of_Objects/Completed_and_Corrected_Version/ 2011_02_02_List_of_Objects/Completed_and_Corrected_Version/ Extract files. Copy DLList.h into new project. Add file to project. Note memory leak in destructor. Modify stack.h as shown on following slides. We will use a List to hold the stack data.

6 Stack.h #pragma once #include #include "DLList.h" template class Stack { public: Stack(int capacity = 1000); ~Stack(); bool IsEmpty() const {return data->isEmpty();}; bool IsFull() const {return false;}; // Add a value to the top of the stack. void Push(const T& value); // Remove and return value at top of stack. T Pop(); // Retrieve value at top of stack without removing it. T Top() const; // Display stack contents. void Display(std::ostream& out) const;

7 7 Stack.h private: DLList * data; //int size; //int top; // Index of element at top of stack // // -1 when stack is empty };

8 8 Constructor and Destructor template Stack ::Stack(int capacity) Delete initialization list { data = new DLList (); assert (data != 0); } template Stack ::~Stack() { delete data; Remove [] }

9 9 Push() template void Stack ::Push(const T& value) { data->addToHead(value); }

10 10 Pop() template T Stack ::Pop() { if (this->IsEmpty()) { throw "Pop called for empty stack"; } return data->deleteFromHead(); }

11 11 Top() template T Stack ::Top() const { if (this->IsEmpty()) { throw "Top of empty stack requested"; } T temp = data->deleteFromHead(); data->addToHead(temp); return temp; }

12 12 Display() template void Stack ::Display(std::ostream& out) const { data->printAll(); }

13 13 stack_test Our test should work unchanged Except: We can't force overflow now. Comment out the section that tests stack overflow. Lines 28 – 41 of stack_test.cpp Build

14 14 A Warning The isEmpty method in the List template should have been declared as bool. Make that change.

15 15 Program Running

16 16 Try it on Linux

17 17 Try it on Linux The Visual Studio compiler is more forgiving! Add using namespace std ; to printAll.

18 18 OK This Time

19 19 An Application Adding arbitrarily large numbers. Unlike pencil and paper arithmetic, computer arithmetic typically has a maximum size for numbers. We can use stacks to implement addition for arbitrarily large numbers. Drozdek, page 141

20 20 Modify printAll() Modify DLList::printAll() to output all items on the same line. cout info << " ";

21 21 Adding Arbitrarily Large Integers int main() { Stack lhs; Stack rhs; Stack result; get_integer(lhs); get_integer(rhs); cout << "\nLHS = "; lhs.Display(cout); cout << "\nRHS = "; rhs.Display(cout); cin.get(); }

22 22 get_integer() void get_integer(Stack & stack) { cout << "Enter an integer: "; char c = cin.get(); while (c != '\n') { assert (isdigit(c)); stack.Push(c - '0'); c = cin.get(); }

23 23 Program in Action

24 24 Program in Action

25 25 Add to main() add(lhs, rhs, result); cout << "\nSum = "; result.Display(cout); cout << endl;

26 26 Function Add() void add(Stack & lhs, Stack & rhs, Stack & result) { int carry = 0; while (!lhs.IsEmpty() || !rhs.IsEmpty() || carry > 0) { int next_lhs_digit = 0; int next_rhs_digit = 0; if (!lhs.IsEmpty()) { next_lhs_digit = lhs.Pop(); } if (!rhs.IsEmpty()) { next_rhs_digit = rhs.Pop(); }

27 27 Function Add() int next_sum_digit = next_lhs_digit + next_rhs_digit + carry; if (next_sum_digit > 9) { carry = 1; next_sum_digit -= 10; } else { carry = 0; } result.Push(next_sum_digit); }

28 28 A Small Example

29 29 A Big Example

30 30 Another Big Example

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